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FAA Written Test Preparation Software (Site License) - Order Step 1  FAA Written Test Preparation Software (Site License) - Order Step 1 FAA Written Test Preparation

Lab / Site Licenses

Welcome! This is the place to buy lab licenses for our test prep products. By "lab license" we mean that you have a number of fixed PCs in a public place such as a FBO/Flight School common area, classroom, computer lab, or so forth, and you want clients/students to be able to walk up to them, sit down, and study away. Our pricing for this is highly competitive, since, unlike our competitors, we charge per PC, not per student.

Only our GroundSchool FAA Knowledge (Written) test prep apps are available for lab / site license purchase at this time. If your organization is interested in similar licensing for one of our other product families, please reach out to us via our helpdesk.

You probably have some questions about this, so be sure to check out our Lab / Site License Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this screen or our complete FAQ to learn more about our products in general. If you can't find what you're looking for, don't worry, help is at hand! Our team is standing by to help you via our online helpdesk.

If you're ready to purchase now, select the products and quantities you want from the blue below and then click 'continue' at the very bottom of the table.

Interested? Check out the Lab/Site Purchase Overview Video

for Flight Schools, FBOs, Universities/Colleges/High Schools, Flight Departments, Mechanic Schools, etc.
Best FAA Test Prep in the Business Unlimited Students / No "Per-Student" Fee Free student study progress monitoring included!

Do you represent an educational institution such as a flight school, mechanic school, FBO, drone/UAV operator, high school, college/university, airline/corporate training department, flight department? This page allows you to purchase "lab" or "site" licenses of our GroundSchool FAA knowledge test prep for your organization. Our GroundSchool series of test preps are widely seen as the best in the business - we feature regularly updated content, a polished and proven user experience, and superior explanations and supplemental learning content. New to our FAA test preps? Check out this video.. Unlike our competitors, we do not charge you per student for lab use - our generous and fair terms allow you to use our prep for an unlimited number of students. Moreover, we always keep your student information confidential. Unlike our competitors, we do not and will not give your student information to third parties for marketing or other purposes. What's more, you and your instructors can remotely monitor student (or even whole class) progress with our integrated and free www.TestPrepStatus.com student monitoring system. It's a proven system that has helped hundreds of thousands of poeple pass their FAA knowledge tests.

Our lab license pricing is highly competitive and the acquisition process is fast, easy, and fully automated. You could be up and running in just minutes from now. Here's the process:

  • Select the test prep package you want, the number of seats, and the license start date from the blue box below. Each quantity should be considered an "up to" quantity. For example, if you have 95 PCs, select quantity 100.
  • Verify that you've selected the test prep package that works for you. The dark bluish box at bottom with the specific lists of tests changes dynamically based on your selection. Your students/clients will be able to prepare for any/all of the included tests and they'll be able to swap between them as often as they like.
  • Click the big continue button and proceed through the secure checkout process.
  • The activation keycode needed for your technical team to get your lab license up and running will be emailed to you normally within moments of the order process being complete.
  • Download the software and install it onto the PCs in question. Activate it using the keycode. In some networked / organizational environments, this may require the assistance of your system administrators. If you reading this haven't seen our software yet or know much about us, you can download and check it out in demo mode right now by visiting www.FAAtest.com. Demo mode gives you access to 5% of the content.
  • Check out the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page if you haven't yet. If you have any further questions or concerns, we're happy to hear from you via our online helpdesk

That's it! Your students/clients will be soon able to study with confidence and ease for their next FAA knowledge tests.

Package Type
Number of Places (Windows PCs, Seats)
Start Date
Currently Selected: One Year ( through ) of a lab/site license of our
for Microsoft Windows PCs at .
The exact test(s) this selection will allow your students/clients to study for is in the table below the continue button.
Your current selection will allow your students/clients to prepare for any/all of the tests listed below.
PVT − Recreational and Private Pilot
PAR − Private Pilot Airplane
PAT − Private Pilot Airplane / Recreational Pilot - Transition
PBG − Private Pilot Balloon - Gas
PBH − Private Pilot Balloon - Hot Air
PGL − Private Pilot Glider
PGT − Private Pilot Gyroplane / Recreational Pilot Transition
PHT − Private Pilot Helicopter / Rec Pilot Transition
PLA − Private Pilot Lighter-Than-Air
PRG − Private Pilot Gyroplane
PRH − Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter
RPA − Recreational Pilot Airplane
RPG − Recreational Pilot Gyroplane
PPP − Private Pilot Powered Parachute
PWS − Private Pilot Weight Shift Control
PCP − Private Pilot Canadian Conversion (Airplane)
PCH − Private Pilot Canadian Conversion (Helicopter)
PEP − Private Pilot EU Part - FCL Conversion (Airplane)
IFR − Instrument Rating
AIF − Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane (added rating)
FIH − Flight Instructor Instrument Helicopter
FII − Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane
HIF − Flight Instructor Instrument Helicopter (added rating)
IFP − Instrument Rating Foreign Pilot
IGI − Ground Instructor Instrument
IRA − Instrument Rating Airplane
IRH − Instrument Rating Helicopter
ICP − Instrument Rating Canadian Conversion (Airplane)
ICH − Instrument Rating Canadian Conversion (Helicopter)
IEP − Instrument Rating EU Part - FCL Conversion (Airplane)
COM − Commercial Pilot
CAX − Commercial Pilot Airplane
CBG − Commercial Pilot Balloon - Gas
CBH − Commercial Pilot Balloon - Hot Air
CGX − Commercial Pilot Glider
CLA − Commercial Pilot Lighter Than Air
CRG − Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Gyroplane
CRH − Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter
MCA − Military Competence Airplane
MCH − Military Competence Helicopter
CCP − Commercial Pilot Canadian Conversion
CFI − Flight and Ground Instructor
AFA − Flight Instructor Airplane (added rating)
AFG − Flight Instructor Glider (added rating)
AGI − Ground Instructor Advanced
BGI − Ground Instructor Basic
FIA − Flight Instructor Airplane
FIG − Flight Instructor Glider
FOI − Fundamentals of Instruction
FRG − Flight Instructor Rotorcraft Gyroplane
FRH − Flight Instructor Rotorcraft Helicopter
GFA − Flight Instructor Gyroplane (added rating)
HFA − Flight Instructor Helicopter (added rating)
MCI − Military Competence Instructor
ATP − Airline Transport Pilot
ATP − Airline Transport Pilot Airplane (121)
ATA − Airline Transport Pilot Airplane (135)
ARA − Airline Transport Pilot Airplane (135) Added Rating
ATH − Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter (135)
ARH − Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter (135) Added Rating
ADX − Aircraft Dispatcher
ACP − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion
ATM − Airline Transport Pilot Multiengine
ATS − Airline Transport Pilot Single Engine
ACM − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion Multiengine Airplane
ACH − Airline Transport Pilot Canadian Conversion Helicoper
CTO − Control Tower Operator
FLE − Flight Engineer
FEJ − Flight Engineer Turbojet (added rating)
FEN − Flight Engineer Reciprocating Engine / Basic (FEN)
FEP − Flight Engineer Turboprop (added rating)
FER − Flight Engineer Reciprocating Engine (added rating)
FET − Flight Engineer Turboprop/Basic
FEX − Flight Engineer Turbojet/Basic
PAR − Parachute Rigger
RIG − Parachute Rigger Senior
RMC − Parachute Rigger Military Competence
RMP − Parachuter Master Rigger
PRE − Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner
SPG − Sport Pilot - General
SPG − Sport Pilot- General
SPA − Sport Pilot Airplane
SPB − Sport Pilot Lighter-Than-Air (Balloon)
SPI − Sport Pilot Glider
SPL − Sport Pilot Lighter-Than-Air (Airship)
SPP − Sport Pilot Powered Parachute
SPW − Sport Pilot Weight-Shift-Control
SPY − Sport Pilot Gyroplane
SPI − Sport Pilot - Instructor and Examiner
SIA − Flight Instructor Sport Airplane
SIB − Flight Instructor Sport Balloon
SIL − Flight Instructor Sport Lighter Than Air
SIP − Flight Instructor Sport Powered Parachute
SIW − Flight Instructor Sport Weight Shift
SIY − Flight Instructor Sport Gyroplane
SEF − Fundamentals of Instruction
SEA − Pilot Examiner Sport Airplane
SEB − Pilot Examiner Sport Balloon
SEL − Pilot Examiner Sport Lighter Than Air
SEP − Pilot Examiner Sport Powered Parachute
SEW − Pilot Examiner Sport Weight Shift
SEY − Pilot Examiner Sport Gyroplane
SEG − Pilot Examiner Sport Glider
SIG − Flight Instructor Sport Glider
RDP − Remote / Drone Pilot
UAG − Small UAS Remote Pilot in Command (Initial)
UAR − Small UAS Remote Pilot in Command (Recurrent)
FOI − Fundamentals of Instruction
FOI − Fundamentals of Instruction

Frequently Asked Questions

Lab / Site License Questions (General)

What is a lab/site license?
Our lab/site license program allows you to run our test prep apps on a number of "fixed" Windows PCs at your organization. This can allow your students/clients access to our best-in-class FAA test preps in a convenient, low cost way.

"Fixed" PCs?
Yes. What we mean by this is that lab/site licenses are intended for places where you have a number of Windows PCs available for "walk up" access by your students/clients. Examples include:
  • A lab or classroom full of windows PCs
  • Some PCs in an FBO or Flight School lobby or briefing room
  • Laptops which belong to a school but are lent out to students on a nightly basis.
The computers involved need not be in the same room or physical location. For example, if you are a college with 5 classrooms of 10 PCs each spread across 3 campuses, you can purchase a single "50-seat" license to cover all of the PCs. Lab licenses can also be used for PCs in the offices of your instructors or staff. However, this is not always the most cost-effective solution (see the question on this further below - we also offer individual licenses in bulk which may be a wiser choice for such installations.)

There is NO per-student fee!
There is NO, repeat NO "per-student" fee. You can have as many users as you like. This makes site/lab licenses potentially VERY cost effective.

To illustrate how it works, let's consider a basic flight school with 3 fixed PCs in the common room. The FBO has purchased a site license that includes our GroundSchool FAA Private Pilot test prep for the 3 PCs. When the software installed and the site license is activated, the software will behave slightly differently than it might if you were just a private individual who downloaded the software for private home use. Specifically, the lab-licensed PCs will have login screens which look something like this:


So, now your first student - let's call her Mary - comes along. From this login screen, Mary can create an account if she doesn't have one yet. It's totally free. The account is basically an email address and a password. With the account created, she can then log in to the PC in front of her and start studying.

When she's done with her study for the time being, she can log out. The next time she comes into the FBO, she can sit down at and log in at ANY of the PCs and her saved sessions and progress will follow her around.

Unlike our competitors, we DO NOT share/give/sell your data or that of your students / customers with third parties for marketing or any other purposes, period.

You can have an infinite number of "Marys" in theory... and Johns and Toms and Isabels and Henry's. Every student who walks into your door can be directed to a PC where they can sit down at a suitably licensed PCs, register for an account on the login screen, and study away. Not one penny more for each additional student.

The system is neat and effective. For this to work, the computers in question have to be connected to the Internet as our servers take care of all the synchronization for you.

Student progress monitoring is built-in and free!
Our GroundSchool FAA test preps feature great tools to help students and instructors connect. Student monitoring and tracking is built in and free. Key to this is our www.TestPrepStatus.com website. In addition to letting you see the results of study sessions, it provides a number of statistics and moving averages that provide a meaningful picture of student activity, strong/weak areas, actual-test readiness, and more.
  • If you're a student, you can use this to see your own progress as you study.
  • If you're an instructor or school, you can monitor student progress, organize students into folders/classes, and more.
  • If you happen to be both a student and an instructor simultaneously, you can make use of both sets of features at the same time.
  • If you're a school, any or all of your instructors can log in to monitor student progress.
Progress monitoring at our TestPrepStatus.com site works via a permission mechanism - either the student can request that an instructor monitor their progress or an instructor can request to monitor a student's progress an the requested party must agree. Nothing is done without your permission.

This system is completely free for instructors, students, and schools. It works on all GroundSchool platforms (a few iOS apps have, at the time of this writing, slightly limited support for this) and work regardless of whether our apps were purchased individually, via bulk organizational purchase, or via site/lab license.

For users of our GroundSchool FAA knowledge test preps, the answer is 100% YES. Student progress tracking is built-in and free. It's built in and free regardless of whether your student is using our prep in a lab under a site/lab license at your location, on our app on a mobile device, or on their PC/Mac at home. As long as they are logged into either a lab account or a free dauntless cloud account (any user can create this themselves - it's free and in some cases is done totally transparently), then you can track them. You can track individual students or whole classes.

  • You can track student progress by subject area. This allows you to zero in on their strong and weak areas.
  • You can see how regularly they are studying
  • You can see their scores on simulated tests
  • The system provides you with a series of moving averages to help you visualize their progress better; these are provided both raw and 'smoothed' so that 'bad luck' on questions plays less of a factor in getting a picture of your student's progress.
  • Yes, you can organize students into folders / classes, mark past students 'inactive', and so forth.
The best way to see it work is to give it a try yourself TestPrepStatus works fine in demo mode:

  1. Visit www.TestPrepStatus.com and set up an instructor account. Totally free.
  2. Then, you need to link a student account with an instructor account. There are two ways to do this: If you've just created an account on testprepstatus and have no other connection to the prep, the easiest way to do this is to use the 'invite' feature there to invite a 'demo' student that you might have created so that you can see how it works (or, if you have a real student with you, you can try that too!). This is the 'instructor initiated' way of doing it. There's also a 'student initiated' way within the individual apps (usually on the 'test results' screen) where the student can request an instructor to monitor their progress. This way, the system is permission based, as is naturally required.
  3. As the student studies, their scores will be sent up to the TestPrepStatus.com system at the end of each session. As an instructor, you can log in to TestPrepStatus.com from wherever you are and see how they are doing.

Please note that TestPrepStatus.com is currently only connected to our FAA Knowledge Test preps. If you are reading this and are interested in this service for our other test preps, please let us know.

Can I charge students for time spent using the prep at my location?
Sure, if that's what you want to do. It should however be clear to the user in such cases that it's you who is charging them, not us.

What if the student wants to also study at home?
Let's that say Mary wanted to study at home or on her phone or tablet at work as she found that she couldn't put in sufficient hours at the computer in the FBO. Mary could purchase a personal copy of the software or app in question for the platform of her choice. In some cases, you could even sell/give it to her if you took advantage of our Bulk Purchase offers. But let's say Mary purchases the app for her iPhone via the Apple App Store. Inside that app, she could then log in to her "Dauntless Cloud Account" - this is the same account she signed up for in your FBO/lab a couple questions above. Her progress, saved sessions, and more will nicely sync. Total flexibility and a smooth, ubiquitous user experience means faster, frustration-free study and students passing that test with confidence and style!

Unlike our competitors, we DO NOT share/give/sell your data or that of your students / customers with third parties for marketing or any other purposes, period.

What if I have instructors at my school? How will they access the material?
If you have instructors at your school who could benefit from having access to the test prep content inside of our apps, you have a few choices:
  • As in the previous question, you might want to organizationally buy individual licenses for them in bulk and hand one out to each. Individual licenses are permanently tied to individuals (they cannot be reassigned) and are lifetime licenses.
  • Alternately, your instructors can just sit down at any lab licensed PC that you have, just like any student.
  • Your instructors can buy their own apps for platforms like Mac, Android, and/or iOS, just like Mary did above.

What is the duration of a lab license?
Lab licenses are sold by the year. There is no provision for shorter terms, so please plan ahead as necessary.

When you purchase a lab license, you specify a start date and the license will begin on that day. In practice, the licenses are normally enabled a few weeks before the start date in order to allow your technical team to install the software at your site and to make sure the system is working fine. Of course, it would not be correct to have students using the software for normal study before the license formally starts, so please don't do that. Licenses renew yearly; you can cancel any time. Once purchased, site licenses are strictly not returnable, either in whole or in part, even if your license start date has not yet been reached.

What are the system requirements for installation?
First of all, lab licenced PCs need to be PCs running a reasonably recent and up to date version of Microsoft Windows. No Macs, no Chromebooks, no Android, no iPhone, no iPads. Just PCs running Microsoft Windows. Beyond this, the PCs should be connected to the internet as they will need to access our servers for user authentication, saving and loading study sessions from the cloud, getting updates, and so forth. If you are in a networked / secure environment, as will be the case in many schools and organizations, you may need the assistance of your network administrators to install and configure the software. It is very possible that as a 'regular user' on your organization's network you will not personally have the ability to install software - your system administrator can help. If you want to get a feel for the product before getting your local administrator involved, please visit our site from your home PC and download and try out a free demo there.

Update: Due to particularly restrictive or complicated security setups in some network environments, a small number of institutional users have in the past reported issues with getting out apps to work in a lab environment without administrator access. Should you experience this, please reach out our helpdesk, as we have additional versions in our arsenal that we can offer to lab/site license customers with such issues which use a different storage/security policy and which will probably work better for you.

Is this a simultaneous USE or "number of hardware devices" licenses?
Our lab licenses are basically "number of hardware devices" licenses. In other words, if you have 2 classrooms of 10 PCs each where one classroom is only ever used in the morning and the other is only used in the afternoon, this requires 20 seat licenses. This is true even if one set of computers is completely turned off while the others are in use. This does not preclude the ability to transfer the seat license from one PC to another when PCs are permanently withdrawn from service for upgrade or similar legitimate reasons (see question below).

To give an example that helps better convey what is and what is not cool by our lab licenses terms, consider two similar situations. In each scenario, assume the school has purchased a 10 seat license.

  • Scenario 1: The fall cohort uses the software at Lab A, but then over the winter break Lab A shut down in a long planned move and a shiny new computer Lab B is established at another campus. The old PCs at the Lab A are recycled. Lab B happens to be closer to the spring cohort.
  • Scenario 2: The fall cohort studies at lab A. During the winter break, the administrators intentionally uninstall the software from Lab A, and install it on 10 PCs at Lab B to be closer to the spring cohort.
Scenario 1 is basically fine. The lab move was planned and any use pattern changes to our software were incidental. Scenario 2 is not authorized and would be contrary to the terms of license. Intent matters, and in this case an attempt was made to basically "be clever with" our license.

We offer what we believe to be a fair license and a decent price. If you have any questions about licensing and usage, please reach out to us and ask. You'll find us to be generally easygoing and understanding. It's our responsibility to all of our customers, however, to make the system fair for all.

Site License Test Group Product Mix?
We have designed our site license offerings of different test groups based on customer requests. It is normal that you are unlikely to need some things in any given package - the pricing has been developed with an awareness and understanding of this. In other words, you won't be "paying for something you won't need" as any "lesser" bundling would have the same price anyway. That also said, if you are a larger customer and require a specific product mix that you don't see listed, please reach out to us.

What happens if we replace our PCs with newer ones?
It's no problem if you replace your PCs. If you have seat licenses for 10 PCs and the physical PCs that those licenses are now associated with are slated for physical replacement, you can replace some or all of them without paying for additional licenses. The recommended procedure is that you uninstall the software completely from the outgoing PCs before you physically remove them, and then install and activate the software on the new PCs. This is normal and fine. Of course, this is not to be abused in order to find some clever scheme to buy fewer licensees than is fair and required. The system has safeguards in place against such abuse, but ultimately, if you need more licenses, please buy them.

What about content updates?
Our editorial team regularly updates our test prep content. This happens many times throughout the year typically as we want to get the latest and greatest updates to you ASAP. Content updates are built in and free. And here's the even better thing: from a system administrator's perspective, you don't have to do much. If a student sits down at a PC to study and the system detects there are updates, the app will tell the user who will basically almost always agree to download and updates then and there. If you want to be extra sure, your can periodically manually run the content update from the main menu of the app if you were so inclined.

How can I try a demo?
We have no specific demo of our lab license, but you are more than welcome to try our test prep software itself in single user demo mode. To do this, please visit www.FAAtest.com. There, you will find links to various test groups (Private Pilot, etc.) Click on the group of your choice. Then, on the group page, find the big download box and download the PC demo to your local computer and install it there. The demo lets you try out our app and see how it works (albeit without the lab features, but that's a small thing). You'll see our smooth user experience and our best in class content. Demo mode gives you access to about 5% of the questions only. We very much welcome and encourage you to try a demo before purchase. Nearly everybody who tries our prep in demo mode ends up buying it, as it's far superior to our competition and at the same time this allows us to weed out technical incompatibilities and get other such problems solved early, to everybody's mutual benefit.

Do the apps need administrator access?
Generally speaking, no, they do not. However, the specifics may differ based on your specific network security setup. Like nearly every other app on PCs, however, if you're running in a securitized/secure networked environment then you will need the assistance of a system administrator to set things up. This may include the administrator doing things during the initial setup in administrator mode. Again, this is normal for all similar software.

Under some security configurations, you may need to install and activate the software under an administrator account before you then also install the software as you might any other software for individual user access. This is to allow the software to see the global site license. This should not be necessary on most installations, however. In all cases, lab licensed software should be installed with the help of your local PC support gurus at your organization. If you run into real trouble, please have your internal technical guys reach out to us via our helpdesk. Finally, whether or not you need to go through the activation process on each PC in your lab depends on your exact security and deployment configuration. For some sites the answer is yes, for others no.

Update: Due to particularly restrictive or complicated security setups in some network environments, a small number of institutional users have in the past reported issues with getting out apps to work in a lab environment without administrator access. Should you experience this, please reach out our helpdesk, as we have additional versions in our arsenal that we can offer to lab/site license customers with such issues which use a different storage/security policy and which will probably work better for you.

What do you get after you place an order?
Much like our regular individual retail users get, you get an unlock keycode access emailed to you after your order is complete and payment is received. This keycode will be in the receipt email that you receive from our MyCommerce/Digital River/ShareIt merchant partners. Yours will be special, however, since when you activate it, the software in question will be turned into the site licensed version. For help with activating the software, please see our unlock help wizard.

Where do I get the software from?
To get the software itself, download the demo version of the single-user software you are interested in from www.FAATest.com. Activating it using your site license keycode will turn on "site license mode" where your students/clients/users will see that login screen. To be clear: activating turns the demo mode software into the paid for software. There are no further downloads save for routine content updates and the occasional update to the main software itself.

I can't believe how pleasantly inexpensive and straightforward this is compared to your competitors.
Yes, we sure do love writing out own questions for this FAQ document. Seriously though, we get such sentiments a lot. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, we've totally automated the site license sales and fulfillment process, which eliminates a ton of overhead. Second, we benefit both because keeping it cheap allows us to stay hopefully within the budgets of organizations such as high schools that we might not otherwise be able to reach. Third, we know that a certain percentage of students who study on a site-licensed PCs will also be likely to want a copy for home or mobile device usage, and we view the additional sales as subsidizing the lab license. Win-win-win for all involved.

Seat Quantity Question
Our lab licenses are priced so that quantities are to be understood as "up to" quantities. For example, if you have 85 lab PCs but see only quantities 75 and 100 in purchase choices, you should select "100" (as 75 won't be enough). You can think of the pricing of the "100" as being you paying for 76 and everything above that up and to 100 being "free" (in a manner of speaking). The pricing reflects this. This also tends to give larger organizations in particular a bit more flexibility.

Can I install a lab licensed copy of the software on our CEO's/Instructor's office computer?
You can - there's nothing stopping you if you have paid for enough seats. However, in most situations that we can think of, this might not be the most cost effective choice. Rather, for individuals who are likely to be with your organization for a while and who have their own PCs, so to speak, it is often better to buy individual licenses for them (these can be bought in bulk, too), since the individual licenses have no expiration date. There are two caveats to this: one, please remember that once activated by an individual, it would be against the terms of license to further use/transfer/give/share/etc the activated software or the associated keycode to any other individual. Two: installing individual software and activating it may require the intervention of a system administrator in a networked/secure/corporate environment. Finally, please remember that if a given person has an individual license, they can then install and use the software on more than one of their personal computers - for example, on their personal home laptop in addition to their office PC. With a lab license, each physical device would require a separate seat license.

B2B Purchase Questions: methods, purchase orders, tax, etc.

What payment methods do you accept?
Orders are handled for us by FastSpring, a very reputable order-processing firm (think of them as an Amazon-equivalent but for digital products). They accept on our behalf several forms of payment, including credit and debt cards, wire transfers, purchase orders, and more. Go to the checkout page for an B2B purchase to see the exact methods available for your order as they may vary slightly by customer location and order size. Our European and North American customers usually have the widest range of purchase methods available.

Please note that our B2B orders are fulfilled promptly (often automatically / electronically) when and only when they are paid in full.

Paying by Purchase Order?
Yes! You and/or your organization can pay for your B2B / site license / lab license purchase by purchase order. Payments are handled for us by FastSpring who offer "Purchase Order" as a checkout screen payment option. FOR PURCHASE ORDERS, CLICK "INVOICE" AS THE METHOD OF PAYMENT. Please note that they may have specific requirements for purchase orders that they accept; please reference the documentation that they provide at the checkout process for more on this. Orders made by Purchase order are fulfilled (you get your items) automatically when FastSpring receives and processes payment on the order.

W-9 form?
Dauntless Aviation is proudly American. However, like many other providers of digital products, we use the services of a third-party (FastSpring) to securely process and fulfill orders for us. FastSpring are the most trusted name in the space and reliably process tens of billions of dollars for year for companies such as ours while taking care of issues such as local tax collection, payment security, and so forth for us. It's a convenient and secure option for all involved, including, most importantly, for you the customer.

What this means in practice is that you're buying from them, not from us - they act as a convenient intermediary for digital purchases, much like Amazon is for physical ones. Technically, they, not us, are the ones who sell you our products. In effect, they act as resellers for us. The shopping cart you see at the end of a bulk or site license purchase is a FastSpring shopping cart.

If your purchasing department requires you to have a W-9 form, then you have two options:

Need a purchase quotation?
To get a quotation on any bulk or site licensed product(s), please go through the checkout process to the near the last stage where you see the shopping cart and price in your selected currency including any and all taxes, discounts, etc. There will normally be a "quote" button there that you can use to generate a quote.

Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee the prices on the "quote" for any length of time. While we don't change prices too often, it's a "live" purchasing system and prices and related items are subject to change without notice. If you are planning to make a particularly large order and believe that this may be a critical issue, please contact us and we'll figure our some solution.

If printing out the shopping cart is not a sufficient quotation for you, please contact us via our helpdesk and we'll see what we can do.

Setting up Dauntless as an 'Approved Vendor'?

As per the above, you'd be purchasing from FastSpring, not from Dauntless. Because they are quite large, there is a chance that your organization may already have them listed as approved vendors.

If not, please contact us via our helpdesk and let's discuss your specific paperwork needs. To speed the process along, please let us know in as much detail as you can reasonable provide exactly what you require. Please note the links to filled out IRS form W9 above.

All questions regarding sales tax / VAT on orders, including exemptions and refunds
If you require IRS form W-9 or equivalent, please scroll up a bit and you will find links to that there. Otherwise ...

If you are exempt by law from paying sales tax or if you have paid tax/vat for which you are not liable for or by law cannot pay, please read this entire message as there is guidance for you in the box at bottom.

Orders are processed for us by a well known third-party merchant services company, FastSpring . They act as our payment processor and merchant partner (the "merchant of record"). They do great work in taking payment in various forms, fulfilling digital orders promptly, and keeping transactions safe and secure for all of us. We (the pilots and programmers of Dauntless) don't actually see customer credit card numbers or other financial data connected to order and technically your purchase is from them, not from Dauntless.

This works out well, since it allows us to concentrate our efforts on doing what we do best - making great apps and aviation products.

Our merchant partner processes payments for thousands of online merchants, including some larger ones such as Symantec.

Because of their size and scope, Our merchant partner has a number of US States and a few European countries. They collect tax/vat only in those locations where their physical presence or other laws require it.

Nobody obviously has any motivation to charge you sales tax other than to comply with law, and they structure their businesses to the extent possible to minimize this burden for themselves and our mutual customers. However, Digital River must comply with tax rules where required by law. This is why you may see sales tax applied to your order.

You might not be liable for sales tax if you are able to pay with certain payment methods or from certain locations. For example, you might legally avoid paying tax/vat if you purchase using methods from a state or country where Digital River is not currently obligated to collect sales tax.

Due to pressures from various tax authorities, it may not always be sufficient to simply have even a legitimate billing address outside of the domain in which you are being taxed. Some countries and regions compel our merchant partners are compelled to collect VAT or Tax even based on things such as IP address. Again, this is totally outside of our hands - please contact the merchant partners involved directly in this. It brings us no joy that you are taxed and of course we wish you weren't as it only increases your net costs. Where it is safe and legal to do so (the specifics likely vary country to country) you might be able to avoid this issue in some cases by using a 'remote access' system or VPN of some sort of make it appear that you are in a country other than you are currently in. We do not encourage the use of such systems where it is not lawful to do so, but in places where it is this may be an option for you.

If you are exempt from paying sales tax, there is an option oh the checkout page to provide your VAT / other qualifying information.

How quickly Will you receive your product(s)?
Short Answer: orders placed via "instant" electronic means, such as credit or debit card, are normally fulfilled essentially instantaneously and you have access to purchased products within minutes at most.

Longer Answer: Orders are fulfilled (you will get your products electronically) only after FastSpring reports to us that your purchase order has been fully paid and the money transferred to them. This policy is fixed under all circumstances--it's their policy, not ours, but it's also fairest for all involved. Once the purchase order is paid and processed by FastSpring, the order will normally be fulfilled promptly and automatically. The entire process is normally much faster if you pay by credit or debit card, so if speed is your concern, please pay in that way. We have no estimate of how long it takes a 'purchase order' payment to go through - you can contact FastSpring to ask them to speed things up at their end but we have found nearly always the vast bulk of any delay is at the customer's end administratively and/or bank delays. In some cases you might want to submit a purchase order then pay by card - if so, start the process electronically by selecting 'purchase order' and get as far as you can - it might be doable fully automatically within the FastSpring system but other times you may need to contact them.

If you send in a purchase order to FastSpring and you're worried that it has not been processed yet when you think it should have been, please contact them at www.FindMyOrder.com. This will get you a much better and more detailed answer than we at Dauntless will be able to provide.

Important Platform Notice! This purchase is NOT FOR iPhone/iPad, NOT FOR Android/Chromebook, and NOT FOR Mac!!!

The products above are for Microsoft Windows PC only. If you want them for a different platform, such as Mac, iPhone/iPad, or Android please return to the product pages and make sure you select versions appropriate for your desired platform.

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