The FAA Knowledge Test is only half of the battle ...
Pass your FAA checkride with RideReady!
Airman Certification Standards compliant, DPE-curated, fully illustrated, and field-proven practical test oral exam prep.
You're on your way to preparing for your FAA written test. That's excellent! But, don't forget - there's a tougher test beyond that: the FAA Practical Test, also known as "The Checkide." Today more than ever, the FAA has directed examiner pilots
to make sure that applicants have a deep understanding of aviation knowledge areas - generally far beyond what is found in those thin oral exam prepararation booklets. Many students fail their expensive checkrides because of knowledge deficiencies - will you be
With our RideReady FAA Practical Test Prep oral exam prep PC app, you can be confident for your checkride.
Just like with the written tests, the earlier you start studying, the better your chances of success.
Special Offer - Pass your FAA Practical Test! Get our RideReady Checkride Oral Exam prep PC app at 30% OFF if (and only if) if you purchase it now with the written test prep app(s) already
in your shopping basket.
Remember, these special discounted prices are only available if you purchase RideReady Checkride Oral exam prep title(s) right now along with the
GroundSchool FAA written test prep title(s) already in your shopping basket.
What is RideReady and where do I download it from?
RideReady is a series of FAA checkride (Practical Test) oral exam preparation apps for Microsoft Windows PC. You can download demo / evaluation versions from This special offer is for the MS-Windows (PC) version(s) of RideReady only. We also have RideReady available for other platforms, such as iPhone/iPad, Android, and Mac, but due to Google and Apple politices we cannot include them in this offer here. To get RideReady for those platforms, please visit
Is it better than those little 'Oral Exam' booklets I have seen sold at my local FBO?
Yes, very much so. In fact, the FAA has recently come out with guidelines for flight instructors and examiners warning against the sorts of very limited type of questions that those booklets provide. Rather, the advice to examiners is to provide a broad spectrum of questions such as those that RideReady provides. This includes some rote questions, yes, but also analytical and scenario type questions that those little oral exam prep books more or less completely lack. This includes scenario-based-learning (SBL) type questions encouraged to develop the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) In aviation and quality Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM). A typical RideReady title has approximately 1000 questions - those little oral exam prep books generally have at most a few hundred. There is no doubt that RideReady is not only a far better way to help you become ready to pass your checkride, but also to help you learn more useful things that will help you become a safe and efficient pilot.
Is it compatible with Airman Certification Standsrds (ACS)?
Yes. RideReady is fully compatible with the FAA Airman Certification Standards and is regularly updated to reflect FAA knowledge and emphasis areas when the ACS change.
What about updates?
Conent updates are included and are free for life. So, RideReady will be there for you no matter when your checkride is and even if you want to brush up in the future.
Do I need to be online to use the app?
No. For day to day usage you do not need to be online at all. Online access is only needed for intitial product download and activation and then, of course, to get updates.
I am interested in several RideReady titles ...
You are welcome to select as many of the above titles as you'd like. However, the offer is for 30% off the 'single title' price of each. This price works out generally (much!) less expensive than even if you were to buy a 'bundle' of several RideReady titles later on.
I can't decide now ...
Well, please do very strongly consider buying it now, since this special offer is only available NOW, during this checkout phase. We're very serious about this - even if you buy RideReady 2 minutes after completing the checkout phase here, you'll have to purchase it at the full price. Let us be as clear as we can be here - if you'd like to make the excellent decision to purchase RideReady, DO SO NOW to be assured of being able to get it at this special discounted price. Also, this really is a limited time offer and may disappear at any time. No amount of pleading, begging, bribing, etc. will change our mind on this later, so please don't make us go through the 'bad cop' routine of having to tell you 'no' if you missed out on this opportunity the first time around. Thank you for your understanding!
Must I purchase GroundSchool to take advantage of this offer?
Yes. You must simultaneously purchase a GroundSchool FAA Knowledge test prep title for MS-Windows PC to be eligible for the 30% off offer. If you try to do something 'sneaky' like add the 30% off titles to your shopping cart and then remove the GroundSchool title, while it will initially appear to go through, our systems will catch up to you soon enough and your entire order/activation placed on hold until you purchase a GroundSchool FAA for PC title. This will result in a lot of wasted time for both you and for us.
I am a past purchaser of GroundSchool - FAA for PC.
Sorry, but this offer is only open to those who are purchasing a GroundSchool - FAA title for PC now. Please consider purchasing another GroundSchool - FAA title for PC now to take advantage of this (you will need to take another knowledge test at some point in the future, after all).
Can I purchase for a friend under this offer?
Important: the cop(ies) of GroundSchool and RideReady that you purchase under this offer must be registered to the same person. So no, you cannot buy GS for yourself and RR for somebody else under this offer. If you attempt to do this, our systems will detect this and automatically disabled the licenses, leading to headache for us both. Please take advantage of this offer only if the same person (most of the time, this will be you personally) will be using all of the titles purchased here.
What about iPhone / iPad?
iPhone / iPad versions of the titles are not included in this offer. In a nutshell, Apple effectively prohibits us from making such offers on our iOS (iPad / iPhone) titles as a part of their AppStore merchant rules.