If you have purchased bulk or site licenses from us, recovering them is easy.- For purchases made after November 2024, go to the FastSpring Customer Support Portal. Once there, you'll probably want to click on "Licenses / Subscriptions / Purchases" or equivalent.
- For orders made before November 2024, go to www.FindMyOrder.com. This is for our old merchant service provider.
- You can also try using the system that we have online for regular retail single user purchases which you can see at www.dauntless-soft.com/lostcode. This will work for some, but not all bulk and site license purchases.
Once you do that, what happens next depends on what exactly you have purchased:
- If you've purchased a SITE LICENSE, you will be able to recover the activation keys that correspond to your valid and active site licenses.
- If you've purchased BULK LICENSES, then you will be given a URL (web address) to visit. This is an encrypted/secret web address unique to your order and/or account with us, so please keep it confidential! This will give you access to our Bulk License customer portal (fulfillment portal) where you will be able to see and manage all of your bulk purchases.
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