Includes hundreds of questions similar to those on the actual INRAT exams with detailed, often illustrated explanations.
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Canada - INRAT (Instrument Rating)
software for MS-Windows™ PCs |
GroundSchool Canada - All Written Test Titles
software for MS-Windows™ PCs |
Canada - INRAT (Instrument Rating) (Aeroplane)
app for iPhone™ / iPad™ |
Canada - INRAT (Instrument Rating) (Aeroplane)
app for Android™ |
Canada - INRAT (Instrument Rating) (Aeroplane)
app for Mac™ |
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Thanks for the great software and support over the past month or so. I actually bought the product about a year ago but I was extremely busy this past year, mostly with the fires in Fort McMurray (I'm a full-time helicopter pilot with Phoenix Heli-Flight). Now that the busy season is behind me, I decided to take on the INRAT (for airplanes - I'm also a fixed-wing CPL) and passed today with 88%. The exam invigilator at TC in Calgary was really impressed with my mark and made mention that it was a high mark and not typical of most grades for the INRAT.
I can certainly say that your software was always up to date, easy to use and certainly reflected the most typical but still comprehensive material that I saw on the actual TC exam. There were no surprises. Don't get me wrong, it's still a lot of work but I can credit your application with helping me get that mark.
Thanks again for the quick responses when I had questions and comments.
” – KS, Calgary
“Thank you so much for your wonderful INRAT app. I downloaded your app about 5 weeks before writing the actual Transport Canada exam.
Prior to finding your software, I had been using the conventional prep courses from one of your competitors with practice exam results in the high 50% range; nothing was sticking in my mind!
After downloading your INRAT app though, my practice exam scores started improving rapidly and with consistency. I actually enjoyed using your app and was looking forward to using it everyday after work. I stopped using all other study materials while using your app except for the CAP and CAP GEN.
When I was consistently hitting 75% on your practice exams, I went to Transport Canada and wrote the actual exam. I was overjoyed and surprised when I passed on the first attempt with a score of 82%!
So thank you very much for the wonderful work you guys are doing! You really have to get software out there for the Canadian CPL and ATPL exams as well!” – SK, Winnipeg, Manitoba
“Just a few words to say thank you for the GroundSchool CanadaPilot Software! I just passed my INRAT exams with flying colours.The way your questions are formulated is very helpful. Keep up the good work!" – BL
“It took a lot of work, but I am happy with the results and could not have done it without your help. Thanks!” – MV, Victoria, BC
“I wrote the INRAT this morning in Ottawa, and passed with 92%! The Dauntless software was VERY important in focusing my learning process and preparing me to answer several types of questions that would otherwise not have been so obvious. Thank you!” – GO, Ottawa
“You've helped me ace everything! Thanks!” – LS, Ontario
“Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for the Canadian INRAT ground school. I had purchased it about 4 days prior to my exam as I didn't feel fully ready. And doing all the Exam samples really helped. Merci!” – MA B, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec

- Approximately 1000 total Questions, representative of actual Transport Canada questions (current for 2025!) with full, detailed explanations of the answers written by an experienced team of flight instructors led by professional pilot and flight instructor Dominique Bergeron.
- There's no need for those expensive books any more! Our software features questions just like in those books. However, as we are not limited by space limitations, we can provide better explanations and more figures. Plus, the software is quick and you can of course use it to generate practice tests to check your knowledge.
- Hundreds upon hundreds of representative questions on all applicable topics for the Transport Canada Instrument Rating Aeroplane pilot written examination, including the latest regulations involving approach bans and similar topics.
- Powerful and flexible study and learning modes to configure the software means maximum learning efficiency for you.
- Dozens of charts and figures included.
- A fairly comprehensive built-in library of aviation provides (via the Internet) an extended reference beyond what's provided in the program. Look up CARs, AIM, key TC documents, etc.
- This "smart" software detects and zeroes in on those areas where you appear to be having difficulty and concentrates your study on those areas for maximum efficiency.
- Printouts galore to show to your instructor / FTU.
Our software and apps cover all required ground subjects for the Transport Canada Instrument Rating written exam (INRAT) for aeroplanes. While no preparation material can in all honesty guarantee you a passing mark on your actual test, If you use this software conscientiously and study both the questions and explanations and can answer the vast majority of the 1000 or so questions, you are very, very likely to pass your test and pass with a very high score indeed!
Topics covered include:
- General Air Regulations and Flight Operations
- IFR Charts and Flight Planning
- IFR Departure Procedures
- IFR En-Route and Holding Procedures
- IFR Approach Procedures
- Meteorology (Theory)
- Meteorology (Maps, Reports and Forecasts)
- Flight Instruments
- Navigation and Radio Aids
- Human Factors and Airmanship
This software can be used for independent home study, and with your school's/FTU's consent and supervision, time spent completing this course can be transferred over to meet the minimum ground school hour requirements. This software is up-to-date with latest Canadian aviation regulations and for the new Graphic Area Forecast weather format. Unlike with books and/or other courses, updates to this software are always free! Remember: the more you learn on the ground now, the less you will pay and struggle in the air later.
Author - Dominique Bergeron
Instrument rating
The instrument rating allows a PIC to fly day or night in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), for example when cloud layers obscure the pilot's view of the ground. An instrument rated pilot is able to fly and maintain situational awareness strictly by using instruments and avionics. This rating is one of the more involved ratings to be earned and is a major step toward earning more advanced licences such as an airline transport pilot—aeroplane. The specific privileges of an instrument rating are in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR) and as detailed in the CARs (602.121).
The rating may only be exercised with that group of aircraft to which flying under IFR is applicable. That is, an aircraft may only be operated as specified by its flight authority. As such, only aircraft with a flight authority certifying IFR operations may be flown under IFR, and only by a pilot with an instrument rating in hand. Moreover, an instrument rating is often combined with other ratings to form a set of piloting privileges. For example, the multi-engine rating is required in addition to an instrument rating to fly a multi-engine aircraft under instrument flight rules.
Note that a VFR-Over-the-Top rating is implicit in an instrument rating and is issued automatically by Transport Canada upon request.
The instrument rating applies to the following licences:
- Private pilot—aeroplane
- Private pilot—helicopter
The requirements for an instrument rating are the same for both a private pilot licence—aeroplane and a private pilot licence—helicopter. However, Transport Canada issues distinct instrument ratings for each of the following four groups of aircraft types dependent upon the nature of the training for the instrument rating and the associated flight test.
Four classes of instrument ratings issued by Transport Canada
Training in |
Instrument rating valid for |
Group 1
Multi-engine aeroplane |
All aeroplanes |
Group 2
Multi-engine center line thrust aeroplane |
Multi-engine centre line thrust aeroplanes and
single engine aeroplanes |
Group 3
Single engine aeroplane |
Single engine aeroplanes |
Group 4
Helicopter |
All helicopters |
Section 421.46 of the CARs standard Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings specifies the requirements in order to earn an instrument rating. The CARs contain further detail on how the quantities below may be combined and are summarized as follows:
- Experience
- A minimum of 50 hours of cross-country flight as a PIC
- A minimum of 40 hours of instrument flight time including the following
- A maximum of 20 hours of the instrument flight time may be instrument ground time
- A minimum of 5 hours of dual instrument flight time with a flight instructor
- A minimum of 15 hours dual instrument flight time with a flight instructor or an experienced pilot with an instrument rating
- A minimum of 5 hours flight time in the pertinent group class of aircraft (see above)
- A minimum of 1 dual cross-country flight under actual or simulated IMC conditions
- Skill
- Successfully complete a flight test in accordance with the Flight Test Guide - Instrument Rating (TP 9939)
- also
- Successfully complete a Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) for operations under IFR in accordance with the CARs. This entails:
- CARs Part VI
- or (as applicable)
- CARs Part VII Commercial Air Services Standard 722 Aerial Work
- or
- A Line Operational Evaluation (LOE) from an approved Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) is considered to have met the Part VI or Part VII PPC.
for checking out the software! Good luck on your test, and blue

The Team
