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 Key Aviation Forms and other Programs Dauntless Aviation

Airplanes fly because of paperwork. Why else would various aviation authorities make us do so much of it?

At any rate, here's some forms and programs to help you on your way...


Unfortunately, our efforts to provide a one-stop page for various FAA and other aviation authority forms has been stymied by bureaucratic make-work programs.

Specifically, we got tired of updating this page (and taking hits in our search engine rankings when our links went out of date) as the FAA and other agencies reorganized the links that they had to their documents over and over and over and over again. Some documents were literally moved not less than 6 times in 8 years between different servers, file structure, and sites. There is absolutely zero reason for this; it was entirely a case of government inefficiency at its worst, and we've ran out of patience for chasing after these.

Therefore, with regret, we are no longer maintaining this page.To find any particular document, try searching for it using your favorite search engine.

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