Dauntless Aviation Latest news http://www.dauntless-soft.com Latest news from Dauntless Aviation en Great Results from Up North! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE>Guys, I just wanted to let you know that your software really worked well for me. I commute to work by train each day and used the time to study on my iPhone with your Canada Pilot software... I couldn't have done so well without you!</BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>DA</strong><BR> Burlington, Ontario </DIV> </span> March 13, 2025 12:49PM EST Checkride and Written Test Success! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I have downloaded both the mobile and desktop versions of the Commercial Prep app for my upcoming checkride. My only regret is not knowing about this prep course years ago. I have also downloaded the CFI ground school app toward my next rating. I am almost 60 years old and have been flying for 20 years. I have decided to to commit to flying and instructing as retirement plan. I have used many prep software in the past but find your product to be far superior in many ways. Congratulations on the outstanding training software. Just wish I knew about you before spending so much $$$ on less engaging and inferior programs. Keep up the great work. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>JN</strong><BR> </div> </span> March 13, 2025 11:17AM EST Airbus in 340 Seconds.. http://www.dauntless-soft.com Watch an <A HREF="/PRODUCTS/Freebies/Amazing/Videos/Airbus_built_in_340_seconds.wmv">A340 being built in 340 Seconds.</A><!--YEARLY_A--> March 13, 2025 5:17AM EST Great score on the ATP Helicopter test! http://www.dauntless-soft.com JB, a helicopter pilot from Colorado Springs, Co wrote us today with this great news: <BLOCKQUOTE> Test: ATP-Helicopter. Exam date: 12 Mar 2008. Score: 96%. Your training package was excellent. I was skeptical at first because your product was so much cheaper than others. I tried it -- I like it! Studied only the material that came with the download -- studied for two weeks. </BLOCKQUOTE> Great work sir! March 13, 2025 3:13AM EST FAA written test success from south of the border http://www.dauntless-soft.com Most of our GroundSchool FAA written test prep users are, natually, US citizens. However, recently we got a bit of nice feedback from JB, a pilot from Mexico City, Mexico: <BLOCKQUOTE> Hi! Just wanted to thank you for the excellent software you provide for the FAA knowledge tests. I aced my commecial and IFR foreign pilot thanks to your product.</BLOCKQUOTE> Well done sir! And thank you for the kind feedback. March 9, 2025 9:06AM EST You can afford to fly! http://www.dauntless-soft.com CFI / Sport Pilot Instructor and gyroplane enthusiast Timothy O'Connor has written a book which describes how clever pilots can make the most of their flight training funds. We're happy to report that Tim's recommendations include using our products for FAA Knowledge test prep - both because we're less expensive than our competitors and because a great way overall to save money is to learn things on the ground and not wait until you're utilizing expensive aircraft and/or instructor time. <P> <CENTER> <IMG SRC="/news/news/articleimages/youcanaffordbook.png"></CENTER> <P> The book is really good, and worth a read (It's available both electronically and in softcover via Amazon)--for its modest purchase price, you will almost certainly learn something that will save you money such that the book will pay for itself! Learn more about it at <A HREF="http://www.youcanaffordtobeapilot.com/" target="_blank">YouCanAffordToBeAPilot.com</A>. <!--YEARLY--> March 8, 2025 9:36AM EST FAA IFR Helicopter Success by a German Pilot! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Dear Dauntless Crew, I passed the written exam a few weeks ago, thanks to you and your software. I'm realy enthusiastic. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>OR</strong><BR>Germany </div> </span> March 7, 2025 5:51PM EST Another high score with GroundSchool http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE>I purchased your ATPL-H software and just took the written...got a 96! Thanks for a thoughtful and well designed program with great results. As a 30 year Helicopter CFI, I highly recommend your product!</BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>LP</strong> <BR> Traverse City, MI </div> </span> March 5, 2025 6:31PM EST Excellent results on the tough A&P writtens! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE>I just completed all three FAA A&P written exams using your product exclusively and I never scored less than 86%, thank you very much, I will now buy the Private Pilot / Commercial Pilot bundle for my son. I would recommend this product to anyone who asks.</BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>CU</strong> <BR> Leesburg, FL </div> </span> March 5, 2025 8:20AM EST Passed the ATP! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I am pleased with your test prep program. The price is MUCH better than other comparable test study programs, only slightly higher than the test prep books! <P> Over all you guys are awesome! Thank you for the help. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>DE</strong> ATP </div> </span> March 4, 2025 4:29PM EST