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  • Have you looked through the Frequently Asked Questions documents? Over 90% of questions asked via this helpdesk can be answered there. This is the quickest and best way for you to get an answer to your question, so be sure to do this first!
  • Unlock code problem? Unlock code dosn't seem to be working? Lost your code? Never received it? Don't write a message below until you have tried the unlock code help wizard. Try it first, it really works! This includes links to our automated keycode recovery tools.
  • Didn't receive something in the mail, such as a CD-ROM, that you were expecting? read this first.

Your Question / Issue to Technical, Customer, or Pre-Sales Support:
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You selected "General" or "undefined" as the product that you are having issues with. Too often, people neglect to tell us what product they are having problems with, which causes delays in the support process. Are you sure that your question is of a general nature that does not relate to any particular product? If no, click on 'No' to go back and select a specific product.
You attempted to submit a very short message. Sometimes, that's perfectly fine. However, a very common problem that we have on this helpdesk is that people write us short notes with not enough relevant information to really help them. Specifically, messages that basically say 'It's not working' or 'I did everything it said and it's not working' do not allow us to provide you with timely and accurate assistance to solve your problem. If you're sure that you have provided all relevant information (including unlock code(s) as necessary) and have clearly and legibly explained the exact issue or problem that you are reporting, click 'yes' to proceed to the next stage. Otherwise, click 'no' to go back to edit your message.

Dauntless Software - Help Desk

Lost / Not Working / Never Received Unlock code.
How does this online help desk system work?
Getting an 'Error 75'?
CDLPass USA CDL Preparation