Occasions often arise when it is advisable to move the seaplane
backward or to one side because wind or water conditions, or limited space make
it impractical to attempt a turn (Fig. 15-7). In this situation, particularly if
there is a significant wind, the seaplane can be "sailed" into a space which to
an inexperienced pilot might seem extremely cramped. Even if the wind is calm
and the space is inadequate for making a normal turn, a paddle (which should be
part of every seaplane's equipment) may be used to propel the seaplane or to
turn the nose in the desired direction.
In light wind conditions with the engine idling or shut down, the
seaplane will naturally weathervane into the wind and then sail in the
direction the tail is pointed (Fig. 15-8). With a stronger wind and a
slight amount of power, the seaplane will usually sail downwind toward the
side in which the nose is pointed. Rudder and aileron can be deflected to
create drag on the appropriate side to control the direction of movement.
Positioning the controls for the desired direction of motion in light or
strong winds is illustrated in Fig. 15-8. Lowering the wing flaps and
opening the cabin doors will increase the air resistance and thus add to
the effect of the wind; however, the effect of the air rudder may be
reduced in this configuration. Since water rudders have little or no
effect in controlling direction while sailing, they should be lifted.
With the engine shut down, most flying boats will sail backward and
toward the side to which the nose is pointed, much as a sailboat tacks,
regardless of wind velocity because the hull does not provide as much keel
(side area) as do floats in proportion to the size of the seaplane. To
sail directly backward in a seaplane having a hull, the controls should be
released and the wind allowed to steer the
seaplane. | Sailing is an essential part
of seaplane operation. Since each type of seaplane has its own minor
peculiarities, depending on the design of the floats or hull, it should be
practiced until thorough familiarization with that particular type is gained.
During initial seaplane training, sailing should be practiced in large bodies
of water such as lakes or bays, but sufficiently close to a prominent object in
order to evaluate performance. Where there are strong tides or a rapidly flowing
current, such as in rivers, care must be taken in observing the relative effect
of both the wind and the water current. Often the force of the current will be
equal to or greater than the force of the wind.
Before taxiing into a confined area, the effect of wind and the
current should be considered carefully. Otherwise, the seaplane may be carried
into obstructions with resulting damage to the wings, tail surfaces, floats,
hull, or other parts of the seaplane. Generally, with a seaplane of average size
and power at idle, a water current of 5 knots will more than offset a wind
velocity of 25 knots. This means that the seaplane will move against the wind.
When operating multiengine seaplanes, differential power can be
used to aid in steering the seaplane along a desired course.
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