Clearance Shorthand

 The shorthand system given here is recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration. Applicants for the Instrument Rating may use any shorthand system, in any language, which ensures accurate compliance with ATC instructions. No shorthand system is required by regulation and no knowledge of shorthand is required for the written test; however, because of the vital necessity for safe coordination between the pilot and controller, clearance information should be unmistakably clear.
 As an instrument pilot, you should make a written record of all ATC clearances and instructions that consist of more than a few words; and any portions that are complex, or about which there is any doubt, should be verified by a repeat back. Safety demands that you receive correctly and do not forget any part of your clearance.

 Occasionally ATC will issue a clearance that differs from the original request. In such cases, the pilot must be particularly alert to be sure that he receives and understands the clearance given.

 The following symbols and contractions represent words and phrases frequently used in clearances. Most of them are regularly used by ATC personnel. Learn them along with the location identifiers which you will use.
 By using this shorthand, omitting the parenthetical words, you will be able, after some practice, to copy long clearances as fast as they are read.

WORDS AND PHRASES                                             SHORTHAND

ABOVE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ABV
ABOVE (ALTITUDE--HUNDREDS OF FEET) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  70
ADVISE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ADV
AFTER (PASSING)  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  <
AIRWAY (DESIGNATION) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  V26
AIRPORT  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  A
ALTERNATE INSTRUCTIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ( )
ALTITUDE 6,000 - 17,000  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  60-170
AND  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  &
APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  AP
APPROACH CONTROL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  APC
AT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  @
(ATC) ADVISES  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CA
(ATC) CLEARS OR CLEARED  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  C
(ATC) REQUESTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CR
BACK COURSE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BC
BEARING  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BR
BEFORE (REACHING,PASSING)  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  >
BELOW  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BLO
BELOW (ALTITUDE - HUNDREDS OF FEET)  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CENTER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CTR
CLEARED AS FILED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CAF
CLEARED TO LAND  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  L
CLIMB TO (ALTITUDE - HUNDREDS OF FEET) - - - - - - - - - - - -
CONTACT  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CT
CONTACT APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CAP
CONTACT (DENVER) APPROACH CONTROL  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  (den
CONTACT (DENVER) CENTER  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  (DEN
COURSE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  CRS
CROSS  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  X
CRUISE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DELAY INDEFINITE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  DLI
DEPART - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  DP
DEPARTURE CONTROL  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  DPC
DIRECT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  DR
   EASTBOUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  EB
   WESTBOUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  WB
   NORTHBOUND  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  NB
   SOUTHBOUND  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  SB
   INBOUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  IB
   OUTBOUND  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OB
DME FIX (MILE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  EA
ENTER CONTROL AREA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ETA
EXPECT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  EX
EXPECT APPROACH CLEARANCE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  EAC
EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  EFC
FAN MARKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FM
FINAL  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  F
FLIGHT LEVEL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FL
FLIGHT PLANNED ROUTE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FPR
FOR FURTHER CLEARANCE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FFC
FOR FURTHER HEADINGS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FFH
FROM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FR
HEADING  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  HDG
HOLD (DIRECTION) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  H-W
HOLDING PATTERN  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ILS APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ILS
INITIAL APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I
INTERSECTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  XN
LEFT TURN AFTER TAKEOFF  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LOCATOR OUTER MARKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  LOM
MAINTAIN OR MAGNETIC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  M
MAINTAIN VFR CONDITIONS ON TOP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  VFR
MIDDLE COMPASS LOCATOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ML
MIDDLE MARKER  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  MM
NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  NDB
OUT OF (LEAVE) CONTROL AREA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OUTER MARKER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OM
OVER (STATION) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OKC
ON COURSE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  OC
PRECISION RADAR APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  PAR
PROCEDURE TURN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  PT
RADAR VECTOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RV
RADIAL (080° RADIAL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  080R
REMAIN WELL TO LEFT SIDE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  LS
REMAIN WELL TO RIGHT SIDE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RS
REPORT CROSSING  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RX
REPORT DEPARTING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RD
REPORT LEAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RL
REPORT ON COURSE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  R-CRS
REPORT OVER  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RO
REPORT PASSING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RP
REPORT REACHING  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RR
REPORT STARTING PROCEDURE TURN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RSPT
REVERSE COURSE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RC
RIGHT TURN AFTER TAKEOFF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RUNWAY (NUMBER)  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  RY18
SQUAWK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  SQ
STANDBY  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  STBY
STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  SI
SURVEILLANCE RADAR APPROACH  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ASR
TAKEOFF (DIRECTION)  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOWER  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Z
UNTIL  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  U
UNTIL ADVISED (BY) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  UA
UNTIL FURTHER ADVISED  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  UFA
VIA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  VIA
VICTOR (AIRWAY NUMBER) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  V14
VISUAL APPROACH  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  VA
VOR  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VORTAC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WHILE IN CONTROL AREA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 An example of a clearance written in shorthand:

  CAF M RY HDG RV V18 SQ 0700 DPC 120.4

Translated it reads: (Aircraft number), cleared as filed, maintain runway heading for radar vector to Victor 18, squawk 0700 just before departure, departure control frequency - 120.4.

Supplementary Reference Material

 Persons studying for the instrument rating, as well as qualified instrument rated pilots, will find the publications and materials listed below to be useful in augmenting their knowledge of instrument flying. In addition to these, there are many excellent textbooks, charts, and other reference materials available from commercial publishers.

Advisory Circulars and Flight Information Publications

00-6A - Aviation Weather
 Provides an up-to-date and expanded text for pilots and other flight operations personnel whose interest in meteorology is primarily in its application to flying. (Supt. Docs.)

00-45B - Aviation Weather Services
 Supplements AC 00-6A, Aviation Weather, in that it explains the weather service in general and the use and interpretation of reports, forecasts, weather maps, and prognostic charts in detail. It is an excellent source of study for pilot certification examinations. (Supt. Docs.)

61-8D - Instrument Rating Written Test Guide
 Reflects the current operating procedures and techniques in a background setting appropriate for applicants preparing for the Instrument Pilot Airplane and Instrument Pilot Helicopter written tests. (Supt. Docs.)

61-56A - Flight Test Guide - Instrument Pilot Airplane
 Assists the applicant and the instructor in preparing for the flight test for the Instrument Pilot Airplane Rating. (Supt. Docs.)

61-64A - Flight Test Guide - Instrument Pilot Helicopter
 Assists the applicant and the instructor in preparing for the Instrument Pilot Helicopter Rating. (Supt. Docs.)

91-23A - Pilot's Weight and Balance Handbook
 Provides an easily understood text on aircraft weight and balance for pilots who need to appreciate the importance of weight and balance control for safety of flight. Progresses from an explanation of basic fundamentals to the complete application of weight and balance principles in large aircraft operations. (Supt. Docs.)

 In addition, the following Advisory Circulars pertain to areas of knowledge listed in the "Study Outline" and are available from FAA free of charge: 00-24A, 20-32B, 60-4, 60-6A, 91-8A {Canceled by AC 61-107 - Ed.}, and 91-25A.


 Airman's Information Manual (AIM) Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures. Issued semi-annually, January and July.
 Graphic Notices and Supplemental Data. Issued quarterly.
 Notices to Airmen (Class II). Issued every 14 days.
 Descriptions of the contents, source of supply, prices and stock numbers where applicable, for all Advisory Circulars and the other flight information publications listed above, are contained in AC 00-2, Advisory Circular Checklist available free of charge from:
  U.S. Department of Transportation
  Publications Section, M-443.1
  Washington, D.C. 20590

IFR and VFR Pilot Exam-o-Grams
 These brief instructional aids are prepared on subject areas in which applicants for airman written examinations have shown a lack of knowledge. They are an excellent media for providing guidance information to applicants preparing for the various written tests.

 Exam-O-Grams may be obtained from:
  Superintendent of Documents
  U.S. Government Printing Office
  Washington, D.C. 20402.

 Part 1. Definitions and Abbreviations.
 Part 61. Certification: Pilots and Flight Instructors.
 Part 91. General Operating and Flight Rules.
 Part 95. IFR Altitudes.
 Part 97. Standard Instrument Approach Procedures.

 Federal Aviation Regulations are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. AC 00-44, Status of Federal Aviation Regulations, lists the FAR Parts, their Changes, prices, stock numbers, and ordering information. AC 00-44 is available free of charge from:

  U.S. Department of Transportation
  Publications Section, M-443.1
  Washington, D.C. 20590

 If you wish to be placed on the free mail list to receive revised copies of either AC 00-2 or AC 00-44, send your name and address to:

  U.S. Department of Transportation
  Distribution Requirements Section, M-482.2
  Washington, D.C. 20590

Aeronautical Charts and Airport/Facility Directory
 Enroute Low and High Altitude Charts. These charts provide necessary aeronautical information for enroute instrument navigation in the established airway structure.
 Area Charts. These charts are part of the Enroute Low Altitude Chart series. They furnish terminal data on a larger scale in congested areas.
 Instrument Approach Procedures Charts. Each of these charts depict an instrument approach procedure, including all related data, and the airport diagram.
 Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs). These charts are collated in two booklets, "East" and "West." They are designed for use with Enroute Low and High Altitude and Area Charts. They furnish pilots departure routing clearance in graphic and textual form.
 Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs). These charts are collated in one booklet and are designed for use with Enroute Low and High Altitude Charts. They furnish pilots preplanned instrument flight rules (IFR) air traffic control arrival route procedures in graphic and textual form. The National Ocean Survey publishes and distributes the Airport/Facility Directory and aeronautical charts of the United States. Charts for foreign areas are published by the U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC) and are sold to civil users by the National Ocean Survey.
 A "Catalog of Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications," listing their prices and instructions for ordering, may be obtained free on request from:

  Department of Commerce
  National Ocean Survey
  Distribution Division (C-44)
  Riverdale, Maryland 20840

 Orders for the Airport/Facility Directory and for specific charts or publications should be accompanied by check or money order made payable to, NOS, Department of Commerce.

Study Outline for the Instrument Pilot Written Test

 This study outline covers the areas of aeronautical knowledge which pertain to Instrument Pilot Written Tests. The outline expands the general aeronautical knowledge requirements set forth in Federal Aviation Regulations Part 61, and is based on airman activity for flight under Instrument Flight Rules.

 AC - Advisory Circular
 AW - Aviation Weather (AC 00-6A)
 AWS - Aviation Weather Services (AC 00-45B)
 AIM - Airman's Information Manual
 AFD - Airport/Facility Directory
 NOTAM - Notices to Airmen
 EOG - IFR Exam-O-Grams
 IFH - Instrument Flying Handbook (AC 61-27C)
 BHH - Basic Helicopter Handbook (AC 61-13B)
 IAPC - Instrument Approach Procedure Charts
 PHB - Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (AC 61-23B)

 A. Certificates and Ratings
  1. Requirements for certificates and ratings (61.3)
  2. Eligibility for instrument rating (61.65)
  3. Where instrument rating required (61.3(e), 91.97 {§ 91.97 recodified to § 91.135})
  4. Recency of experience (61.57)
 B. Preflight Action for Flight
  1. Familiarization with all available information (91.5 {§ 91.5 recodified to § 91.103}; EOG-31; AFD)
  2. Fuel requirements (91.23 {§ 91.23 recodified to § 91.167})
 C. Preflight Action for Aircraft (EOG-31)
  1. Responsibility for airworthiness (91.29 {§ 91.29 recodified to § 91.7})
  2. Equipment required
   Instruments and equipment (91.33 {§ 91.33 recodified to § 91.205})
   Transponder (91.24 {§ 91.24 recodified to § 91.215}, 91.90 {§ 91.90 recodified to § 91.131})
   ELT (91.52 {§ 91.52 recodified to § 91.207})
  3. Tests and inspections
   VOR (91.25 {§ 91.25 recodified to § 91.171}; EOG-22; AIM)
   Altimeter system (91.170 {§ 91.170 recodified to § 91.415})
   Transponder (91.177)
   Aircraft (91.169 {§ 91.169 recodified to § 91.409})
  4. Portable electronic devices (91.19 {§ 91.19 recodified to § 91.21})
 D. Flight Plan (AIM)
  1. When required (91.97 {§ 91.97 recodified to § 91.135}, 91.115 {§ 91.115 recodified to § 91.173})
  2. Information required (91.83 {§ 91.83 recodified to § 91.153})
  3. Alternate airport requirements (91.83 {§ 91.83 recodified to § 91.153})
 E. Route Planning
  1. Preferred routes (AFD); SIDs and STARs; Enroute Charts
  2. Airport/Facility Directory
  3. NOTAM
  5. Special Notices (NOTAM, AFD)
  6. Area Navigation Routes (NOTAM)
  7. Direct Routes (AIM, Airspace; 91.119 {§ 91.119 recodified to § 91.177}, 91.121(b) {§ 91.121 recodified to § 91.179})
  8. Restrictions to Enroute Nav. Aids (AFD)
  9. Substitute Route Structure (EOG-39)
 F. Flight Planning (Ch. XIII-IFH)
  1. Wind correction angle - heading
  2. GS
  3. ETE/ETA
  4. Fuel estimates
 G. Aircraft Performance (Aircraft Owner's Handbook; VFR EOG-33; EOG-32)
  1. Takeoff distance
  2. Climb performance
  3. Cruise performance (VFR EOG-38)
  4. Fuel flow
  5. Landing performance
  6. Airspeed: IAS, CAS, EAS, TAS
  7. Placards and instrument markings
  8. Hovering
 H. Aircraft Operating Limitations (documents in aircraft, AC 60-6A)
  1. Weight and balance (EOG-21; AC 91-23A)
  2. Instrument limit markings and placards (91.31 {§ 91.31 recodified to § 91.9})
  3. Maximum safe crosswind (VFR EOG-27)
  4. Turbulent air penetration
 I. Aircraft Systems (Ch. IV-IFH)
  1. Pitot-static system (EOG-10; IFH)
  2. Vacuum/gyroscopic (EOG-24)
  3. Electric/gyroscopic
  4. Compass
 J. Fundamentals of Weather
  1. Composition of the atmosphere (Ch. I-AW)
  2. Temperature (Ch. 2-AW)
  3. Pressure (Ch. 3-AW)
  4. Circulation (Ch. 4-AW)
  5. Moisture (Ch. 5-AW)
  6. Stability and wind (Ch. 6-AW)
  7. Clouds (Ch. 7-AW)
  8. Air masses and fronts (Ch. 8-AW)
  9. Turbulence (Ch. 9-AW)
 K. IFR Weather Hazards
  1. Icing (Ch. 10-AW)
  2. Thunderstorms (Ch. 11-AW; AIM)
  3. Fog and obstructions to vision (Ch. 12-AW)
 L. Aviation Weather Observations and Reports
  1. Aviation weather reports (SA) (AWS-2)
  2. Pilot weather reports (PIREPs, UA) (AWS-3)
  3. Radar weather reports (RAREPs) (AWS-3) Radar summary chart AWS-7)
  4. Surface analysis (AWS-5)
  5. Weather depiction chart (AWS-6)
  6. Upper wind chart (AWS-9)
  7. Freezing level chart (AWS-10)
  8. Stability chart (AWS-11)
  9. Constant pressure charts (AWS-13)
 M. Aviation Weather Forecasts
  1. Terminal (FT) (AWS-4; EOG-5)
  2. Area (FA) (AWS-4; EOG-5)
  3. Winds and temperatures aloft (FD) (AWS-4) and chart (AWS-9)
  4. Severe weather (AWS-4), Hurricane advisories (WH); convective outlook (AC); Weather Watch (WW); severe weather outlook chart (AWS-12)
  5. TWEB route forecast and synopsis (AWS-4)
  6. Inflight advisories (WS, WA, WAC) (AWS-4)
  7. Prognostic charts: Surface (AWS-8); Significant Weather (AWS-8); Constant Pressure (AWS-14); Tropopause and Wind Shear (AWS-15)
 N. Weather Tables and Conversion Graphs (AWS-16)
  1. Icing intensities
  2. Turbulence intensities
  3. Locations of probable turbulence
  4. Standard temperature, speed, and pressure conversions
  5. Density altitude
 O. Weather Facilities
  1. FSS weather service (AFD; EOG-19), Telephone numbers (AFD), Remote weather radar display (AFD), Scheduled weather broadcast (AFD)
  2. ATIS (AIM)
  3. Weather Service Forecast Offices (AIM); TWEB, PATWAS (AFD)

 A. Authority and Limitations of Pilot
  1. Pilot in command (91.3, 91.4 {§ 91.4 recodified to § 91.5}, 91.67 {§ 91.67 recodified to § 91.113}, 91.75 {§ 91.75 recodified to § 91.123}, 91.87(h) {§ 91.87 recodified to § 91.129})
  2. Emergency action (92.3(b) {§ 92.3 does not exist}), Deviation from rules
  3. Required reports, Emergency deviation (91.3(c), 91.75(c) {§ 91.75 recodified to § 91.123}), Malfunction of equipment (91.33(c) {§ 91.33 recodified to § 91.205}, 91.129 {§ 91.129 recodified to § 91.187})
 B. Flight Plan
  1. Where to file (AFD)
  2. When to file (AIM - Flight Plan)
 C. Departure Clearance (AIM - Departures; EOG-35)
  1. "Cleared as filed"
  2. Amended clearance
  3. Pretaxi clearance procedure
  4. Clearance delivery (AFD)
 D. Taxi and Takeoff Procedures (AIM - Departure and Airport Operation)
  1. Taxi limits (AIM; EOG-26, 28)
  2. ATC control sequence (AIM)
  3. Airport advisory service (AIM; AFD)
  4. ATIS (AIM; AFD)
 E. Departure Procedures (AIM)
  1. Obstruction clearance minimums (approach chart book)
  2. Departure control procedures (nonradar)
  3. Departure control procedures (radar)
  4. SIDs
  5. Speed adjustments
  6. Terminal area limitations
 F. VOR Accuracy Check (AIM; EOG-22; 91.25 {§ 91.25 recodified to § 91.171})
  1. VOT (AFD, L-chart legend)
  2. VOR ground checkpoints (AFD)
  3. VOR airborne checkpoints (AFD)
  4. VOR dual receiver check
 G. Pretakeoff Instrument Check (IFH; AC 91-46)
  1. Prestart instrument indications
  2. Taxi test
 H. Transponder (EOG-25; AIM)
  1. Operation
  2. Switching code
  3. Emergency use
 I. Airport Facilities (AFD, NOTAM, Charts)
  1. Service (AFD, NOTAM)
  2. Runways (EOG-26, 28; AIM)
  3. Airport lighting (AIM; EOG-33)
  4. Communications (AFD)
 J. FSS Facility (AIM; EOG-39; chart legend)
  1. Flight plan service
  2. Traffic advisories (AFD)
  3. Communications (AFD)
  4. Weather advisories (AFD; AWS-1)
 K. Departure Control Facility
  1. Communications (AFD; IAPC)
  2. Geographical area

 A. Enroute Limitations (AIM)
  1. Altitude limitations (91.119 {§ 91.119 recodified to § 91.177}; EOG-8): MEA, MOCA, MCA, MRA, MAA
  2. Cruising altitudes (91.121 {§ 91.121 recodified to § 91.179}, 91.109 {§ 91.109 recodified to § 91.159})
  3. Courses to be flown (91.123 {§ 91.123 recodified to § 91.181}, 91.67 {§ 91.67 recodified to § 91.113})
  4. Altimeter settings (91.81 {§ 91.81 recodified to § 91.121})
  5. Positive Control Airspace (91.97 {§ 91.97 recodified to § 91.135})
  6. Special Use Airspace (91.95 {§ 91.95 recodified to § 91.133}; AIM; Enroute Chart)
 B. Enroute Procedures (AIM; Ch. XI-IFH)
  1. Radar environment - vectors, reporting, handoffs
  2. Nonradar environment - reporting, handoffs
  3. Altitude: cruise, maintain, climb, descend, VFR on top
  4. Delays: clearance limits, holding
  5. Securing weather info (AWS-1)
 C. ATC Clearances
  1. Phraseology (Ch. IX-IFH; AIM; EOG-11, 34, 35)
  2. Responses and readbacks (AIM; 91.125 {§ 91.125 recodified to § 91.183})
 D. Oxygen Requirements (91.32 {§ 91.32 recodified to § 91.211})
  1. Pilot and crew requirements
  2. Passenger requirements
 E. Emergencies (AIM; EOG-2)
  1. Difficultly with communications
  2. Malfunction of equipment
  3. LOC (EOG-7 & 14)
  4. RNAV (EOG 30)
  5. Lost
  6. Lost communications (91.127 {§ 91.127 recodified to § 91.185}; EOGs 36, 37, 38)
  7. Malfunction reports (91.129 {§ 91.129 recodified to § 91.187}, 91.33(e) {§ 91.33 recodified to § 91.205})
  8. Deviation from clearance (91.75(c) {§ 91.75 recodified to § 91.123})
 F. Radio Orientation (Ch. VIII-IFH)
  1. VOR (EOG-7 & 14)
  2. NDB (EOG-23)
 G. Establishing Radio Fixes and Waypoints (Ch. VIII-IFH)
  1. VOR radials
  2. VOR-DME (Ch. VII-IFH; AC 90-62; AC 170-3B)
  3. ADF (EOG-23)
  5. RNAV (EOG-30)
 H. Enroute Computer Operations
  1. GS
  2. ETE/ETA
  3. Altitude or speed conversion
  4. Fuel
 I. Attitude Instrument Flying (Ch. V and VI-IFH; AC 91-43)
  1. Interpretation of flight instruments
  2. Aircraft control: pitch, bank, power
  3. Basic maneuvers: straight and level, climbs and descent, turns (EOG-18)
  4. Unusual attitudes
  5. Flight patterns
 J. Unusual Flight Conditions
  1. Thunderstorms (AC 00-24; page 105-AW)
  2. Structural icing (Ch. 10-AW)
  3. Induction icing (Ch. 10-AW; PHB)
  4. Use of anti/deicing equipment
  5. Frost
  6. Clear air turbulence
 K. Radio Navigation Facilities (Ch. VIII-IFH; AIM)
  2. NDB
  3. LOC
  4. DF
  5. RADAR
 L. Airway Route System (Enroute Chart Legend; AIM; EOG-8)
  1. Victor/jet airway limits
  2. Route identification: military, substitute, unusable
  3. Altitude limits: MOCA, MEA, MRA, MCA, MAA
  4. Reporting points: compulsory, noncompulsory
  5. Fixes, waypoints
  6. Geographical limit: VOR changeover points, altimeter setting boundary, time zone boundary
  7. Airspace designation
 M. Special Use Airspace (AIM, chart legends)
  1. Prohibited area
  2. Restricted area
  3. Military operations area
  4. Warning area
  5. Alert area - intensive student jet training area
 N. ARTCC Facility (Ch. XI-IFH; AIM)
  1. ARTCC remote frequencies (Enroute Chart)
  2. Geographical area of control (Enroute Chart)
  3. Advisories, services, assistance
 O. Enroute Weather Services (AFD)
  1. EFAS (AWS-1)
  2. TWEB (AWS-1)
  3. ARTCC significant weather advisories
 P. Fixed-Wing Aerodynamic Factors (Ch. III-IFH; AC 61-23B)
  1. Aerodynamic forces
  2. Straight and level
  3. Turns
  4. Climbs
  5. Descents
  6. Stalls
 Q. Rotary-Wing Aerodynamic Factors (BHH)
  1. Vibrations (Ch. 2)
  2. Dissymmetry of lift (Ch. 2)
  3. Translation (Ch. 2)
  4. Rotor disc-loading, coning, and flapping (Ch. 9)
  5. Settling with power (Ch. 9)
  6. Ground resonance (Ch. 9)
  7. Speed limitations (Ch. 9)
  8. Autorotation particulars (Ch. 11)
  9. Factors affecting performance (Ch. 11)
 R. Physiological Factors (Ch. II-IFH; AIM)
  1. Physiologic altitude effects: hypoxia, aerotitis, aerosinusitis (AC 91-8A {Canceled by AC 61-107 - Ed.})
  2. Hypoxic effects: alcohol, hyperventilation, drugs, carbon monoxide (AC 20-32B)
  3. Sensations of instrument flying (AC 60-4)
  4. Spatial disorientation (AC 60-4)

 A. Approach Control (AIM; Ch. XII-IFH)
  1. Radar control: STARs, Vectors, approach clearances
  2. Non-radar control
  3. Aircraft speed (91.70 {§ 91.70 recodified to § 91.117})
  4. Procedure turns/holding patterns
  5. Visual and contact approaches
 B. Holding Procedures (AIM)
  1. Holding pattern entry
  2. Shuttle
  3. Changing altitude
  4. Timing
  5. Adjustments and corrections
 C. Precision Approaches (AC 90-1A; IFH; AIM)
  1. Initial approach/procedure turn (91.116(h) {§ 91.116 recodified to § 91.175})
  2. Vectors to final approach (91.116(f) {§ 91.116 recodified to § 91.175})
  3. Intermediate approach
  4. Final approach
  5. Glide slope
  6. Decision height (91.117(b) {§ 91.117 was deleted when part 91 was recodified})
  7. Inoperative components (91.117(c) {§ 91.117 was deleted when part 91 was recodified})
  8. Reports
 D. Non-Precision Approach (AC 90-1A; AIM)
  1. Initial approach/procedure turn (91.116(h) {§ 91.116 recodified to § 91.175})
  2. Vectors to final approach (91.116(f) {§ 91.116 recodified to § 91.175})
  3. Intermediate approach
  4. Final approach
  5. Minimum descent altitude (91.117(b) {§ 91.117 was deleted when part 91 was recodified})
  6. Inoperative components (91.117(c) {§ 91.117 was deleted when part 91 was recodified})
  7. Reports
 E. Missed Approach (91.117(b) {§ 91.117 was deleted when part 91 was recodified}; AC 90-1A; AIM)
  1. Precision approach
  2. Non-precision
  3. Loss of visual cues
  4. Low approach (practice approaches)
 F. Landing Procedures (AIM)
  1. Noncontrolled airport (91.89 {§ 91.89 recodified to § 91.127})
  2. Controlled airport (91.87 {§ 91.87 recodified to § 91.129})
  3. Landing minimums (91.116(b) {§ 91.116 recodified to § 91.175}, 97.3(d-1))
  4. Close flight plan (91.83 {§ 91.83 recodified to § 91.153})
 G. Logging of Flight Time
  1. Instrument flight time (61.51(4))
  2. Conditions for simulated instrument flight (91.21 {§ 91.21 recodified to § 91.109})
  3. Information required (61.51(4)); Instrument approaches; Safety pilot
  4. Pilot in command (61.51(2))
 H. Radio Orientation on Approach (Ch. VIII-IFH)
  1. Relation to LOC on front and back course (Ch. VII-IFH; EOG-7)
  2. Glide slope (Ch. VII-IFH)
  3. LOC and glide slope (EOG-7); Ch. VII-IFH)
  4. Marker beacons (Ch. VII-IFH)
  5. Compass locators (EOG-23)
  6. NDB (EOG-23)
  8. LOC type; LDA, SDF (AIM)
 I. Wake Turbulence (AIM; AC 90-23D)
  1. Landing hazards
  2. Takeoff hazards
  3. Inflight hazards
  4. Wake turbulence theory
 J. Terminal Area (IAPC; AFD)
  1. Approach control facility: frequencies, area
  2. FSS (AIM): airport advisories, flight plan service, weather service
 K. Instrument Approach Procedure Chart - Planview (AC 90-1A; IAPC legend)
  1. Facility frequencies and services
  2. Procedural tracks
  3. Fixes and markers
  4. Obstructions
  5. Special use airspace
  6. Radio aids
  7. Minimum altitudes
 L. Instrument Approach Procedure Chart - Profile (AC 90-1A; IAPC legend)
  1. Altitude limits
  2. Descent pattern/glide slope
  3. Facilities/fixes
 M. Instrument Approach Procedure Chart Aerodrome Sketch (AC 90-1A; IAPC legend)
  1. Runway configuration and specifications
  2. Approach light systems
  3. Elevations: Obstacles, TDZE, and aerodrome
  4. Airport taxi chart
 N. Instrument Approach Procedure Chart - Minimums Section (AC 90-1A; IAPC legend)
  1. Aircraft category
  2. DH/MDA
  3. HAT
  4. HAA
  5. Minimum visibility: miles/RVR
  6. IFR takeoff minimums and departure procedures
  7. IFR alternate minimums
  8. Civil RADAR instrument approach minimums
 O. Approach Facilities (AIM; IFH; Chart Legends)
  1. ILS
  2. LDA
  3. SDF
  5. NDB
  6. Marker beacons, compass locators
  7. VASI (91.87(d)(3) {§ 91.87 recodified to § 91.129})
Instrument Flight Instructor Lesson Guide (Airplanes)
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration

To the Instrument Flight Instructor
 The Instrument Flight Instructor Lesson Guide has been prepared for use with the FAA Instrument Flying Handbook, AC 61-27C. Although the guide deals with basic instrument flying in airplanes, the instructor can modify it for use in helicopter instrument training. The seventeen lessons on Attitude Instrument Flying are arranged in what is considered to be a logical learning sequence. To ensure steady progress, teach the course lesson-by-lesson, and be sure the student has mastered each before advancing to the next. Lessons may be combined when giving refresher training. As all experienced instrument instructors know, the student will learn more rapidly during the early stage of instrument training if a considerable part of the time is spent "open hood." The student is thus allowed to associate aircraft attitude relative to outside visual references with the indications of the various flight instruments individually and in combination. This teaching procedure makes it clear that the pilot uses exactly the same control techniques during visual and instrument flight: Remember, the largest single learning factor in Attitude Instrument Flying is that of interpreting the flight instruments to determine the attitude of the aircraft.

To the Student Instrument Pilot
 At the beginning of your instrument flight training, your instructor will brief you on the concept of Attitude Instrument Flying and explain each of the flight instruments used in Pitch Control, Bank Control, and Power Control. Your instructor will point out similarities each instrument has to outside references and explain the limits and errors inherent in each instrument. After a thorough demonstration, you will practice using each instrument individually and in combination with other instruments. This procedure is followed for the first three lessons on Pitch Control, Bank Control, and Power Control in level flight. After a short time, you will be making a logical cross-check and not merely scanning the instruments. Approximately 6 hours of flight time plus the necessary ground school is usually required to cover the first three basic lessons. Your instructor will monitor your progress closely during this early training to guide you in dividing your attention properly. The importance of this "division of attention" or "cross-check" cannot be emphasized too much. This, and proper instrument interpretation, enables the instrument pilot to accurately visualize the aircraft's attitude at all times. To properly understand this guide, the terms "Primary Instrument" and "Supporting Instrument" must be clearly understood. For clarification of these terms, refer to Chapter V of the FAA Instrument Flying Handbook AC 61-27C.

 NOTE: The instrument maneuvers presented in this guide are based on an airplane equipped with a turn coordinator. If the airplane flown has a turn needle, the descriptions apply if "turn needle" is substituted for "miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator." Power settings and airplane performance figures used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only. Exact power settings and performance information must be obtained experimentally or from performance charts for each airplane flown.
Lesson 1
Cockpit Check
 1. Publications. Enroute Navigation Charts, Appropriate Pilot's Handbooks, Terminal Area Charts, Approach Charts, Computer, and Flight Log.
 2. Suction Gauge or Electrical System. For suction-driven gyro instruments, be sure the suction gauge is within prescribed limits. For electrically-driven instruments, check generators and inverters for proper operation.
 3. Pitot Head. Cover removed and heat checked.
 4. Airspeed Indicator. Check reading, should be zero. Check calibration card.
 5. Heading Indicator. Uncaged, if applicable. Checked against a known heading, and operating properly
 6. Attitude Indicator. Uncaged if applicable. Checked and operating properly. Set miniature aircraft.
 7. Altimeter. Set to current altimeter setting. Check for error.
 8. Turn Coordinator. Miniature aircraft operating properly. Ball moves freely in the race.
 9. Vertical-Speed Indicator. Should indicate zero. If it doesn't and is not adjustable, interpret ground indication as zero.
 10. Magnetic Compass. Bowl full of fluid. Card moves freely. Checked against known heading.
 11. Clock. Operating and set to correct time.
 12. Carburetor Heat. Check for operation and return to cold position.
 13. Engine Instruments. Check for proper markings and readings.
 14. Radio Equipment. Checked for proper operation.
 15. Trim and Throttle Friction. Trim set for takeoff and throttle friction adjusted.
 16. De-Icing and Anti-Icing Equipment. Check operation.
Pitch Control
1. Attitude Indicator
 a. Adjust miniature aircraft for level flight at normal cruise.
 b. Demonstrate similarity between the natural horizon and the horizon bar by placing the nose of the aircraft first above the horizon, then below it.
 c. Discuss the limits of operation.
 d. Demonstrate why the attitude indicator must be caged and uncaged in level flight (if a caging device is available). Stress the importance of fully uncaging the instrument.
 e. Reliable pitch attitude is indicated within approximately 30° in climbs and dives. In excess of 30°, the horizon bar is no longer visible or may lag. The extreme limits vary with instrument design.
 f. Acceleration and deceleration error.
  (1) Increase power rapidly from low to high - show loss of altitude while maintaining a level attitude on the attitude indicator.
  (2) Reduce power rapidly from high to low - show gain of altitude while maintaining a level attitude on the attitude indicator.
  (3) Hold altitude during power changes - show that the bar moves down on acceleration and moves up on deceleration.
 g. Comparison of movement of the miniature aircraft and the nose of the aircraft. The instrument gives a direct indication of pitch.
  (1) Adjust the miniature aircraft with the wings exactly centered on the horizon bar.
  (2) Change pitch attitude to 1/2 bar climb - student compares the movement of the aircraft's nose to the actual horizon.
  (3) Change pitch attitude to 1/2 bar descent - student compares to actual horizon.
  (4) Emphasize smooth control pressures and that 1/2 bar is recommended for small corrections.
 h. Student practice.
  (1) Maintaining level flight, keeping wings centered on horizon bar.
  (2) Making small pitch changes not to exceed 1/2 bar width.
  (3) Place aircraft in moderate climbs and descents and have student return to level flight.
  (4) Stress importance of smoothness and of not overcontrolling.
2. Altimeter
 a. Constant altitude.
  (1) Maintain straight and level flight at a constant power setting. Point out that pitch attitude must also remain constant.
  (2) Raise the nose of the aircraft until the altimeter indicates a climb - show the relationship between increased pitch attitude and gain of altitude.
  (3) Lower the nose of the aircraft until the altimeter indicates a descent show the relationship between decreased pitch and loss of altitude.
 b. Determining pitch attitude by the altimeter.
  (1) Place the miniature aircraft well above the horizon bar. Point out the rapid change of the altimeter and the large change of pitch attitude shown on the attitude indicator.
  (2) Make small changes in pitch attitude - show slow change in altitude. Visualize the approximate change in pitch attitude by interpolating the rate of altimeter movement.
 c. Lag in the altimeter.
  (1) Make an abrupt pitch change and point out the momentary lag in the altimeter.
  (2) Make small, smooth pitch changes and point out that the altimeter, for practical purposes, has no lag.
 d. Proper technique for correcting altimeter movement.
  (1) Change pitch attitude to stop altimeter.
  (2) Change pitch attitude to return smoothly to desired altitude.
 e. Cross-check (division of attention) between altimeter and attitude indicator.
  (1) The cross-check is simple. Maintain level flight on the attitude indicator with frequent reference to the altimeter to determine that the altitude is being maintained. If an error is noted, correct it by making an appropriate correction on the attitude indicator. Guard against over controlling.
  (2) During level flight, the altimeter is primary for pitch and all changes in pitch are made so as to maintain a constant altitude.
 f. Student practice.
  (1) Maintaining a constant altitude.
  (2) Maintaining level flight by use of the attitude indicator and altimeter.
  (3) Lose or gain 50 feet by changing pitch attitude not more than 1/2 bar (emphasize small pitch changes).
  (4) Return to the original altitude, using the above technique.
  (5) Repeat this exercise until the student has acquired the proper cross-check and control technique.
3. Vertical-Speed Indicator
 Point out that the instrument reads zero when a constant altitude is maintained. The vertical-speed indicator is used both as a trend and a rate instrument.
 a. Use of the vertical-speed indicator as a trend instrument. Observe the vertical-speed indicator and altimeter as small pitch changes are made. Note that the vertical-speed indicator shows a trend up or down before the altimeter shows a climb or descent.
 b. Use of the vertical-speed indicator as a rate instrument in climbs and descents.
  (1) Establish a small attitude change and allow the vertical-speed indicator to "settle down" on a rate. The attitude change will give a particular vertical speed which will vary with different aircraft.
  (2) Caution the student not to "chase the needle," but to make small pitch changes, then wait for the needle to settle down. As a demonstration, put the aircraft into a climb or descent. With the needle of the vertical-speed indicator in motion, apply control pressures in the opposite direction to stop the trend. Have the student note that when the altimeter stops, the aircraft is passing through level flight attitude, and that simultaneously, the needle of the vertical-speed indicator is stopping and reversing its direction of movement.
 c. Use of the vertical-speed indicator to correct for deviations in altitude.
  (1) Raise the nose 1/2 bar. With a pitch attitude change of this magnitude, the vertical-speed indicator indicates a climb of about 200 feet per minute in low speed flight. (Explain that the relation between the attitude-indicator and the vertical-speed indicator depends on airspeed.)
  (2) For altitude corrections of 100 feet or less, use no more than a 200 feet per minute rate of climb or descent. A vertical speed in excess of this indicates overcontrolling.
  (3) For altitude corrections of more than 100 feet, make a correspondingly larger correction.
  (4) Lower the nose 1/2 bar. Show that the vertical-speed indicator indicates a rate of descent of about 200 feet per minute.
 d. Cross-check of pitch instruments.
  (1) Resume level flight. Cross-check the attitude indicator, altimeter, and vertical-speed indicator to detect any change in pitch attitude. Any deviation from zero by the vertical speed indicator shows a need for a pitch change.
  (2) Descend 50 feet below the desired altitude, then enter a climb of 200 feet per minute and return to the desired altitude.
  (3) Climb 50 feet above the desired altitude, then enter a descent of 200 feet per minute and return to the desired altitude.
 e. Student practice.
  (1) Attitude control with the vertical-speed indicator only.
  (2) Attitude control with the attitude indicator and the vertical-speed indicator.
  (3) Attitude control with the attitude indicator, vertical-speed indicator, and the altimeter.
  (4) Have the student climb 100 feet at a rate of 200 feet per minute.
  (5) Have student resume level flight, then descend at 200 feet per minute to the desired altitude.
  (6) Cross-check altimeter, attitude indicator, and vertical-speed indicator to maintain level flight.
  (7) Stress proper corrective pressures when correcting altitude.
  (8) Emphasize precision (correct small errors).
4. Airspeed Indicator
 a. Use of airspeed indicator to determine attitude.
  (1) At constant power in level flight, point out that when altitude is constant, airspeed remains constant.
  (2) Make small changes in pitch and point out slow changes in airspeed.
  (3) Make extreme changes in pitch and point out fast changes in airspeed.
  (4) At cruising airspeed in level flight, have student climb or dive aircraft. Point out apparent lag. Explain that lag is caused by the time required for the aircraft to accelerate or decelerate after pitch has been changed.
  (5) Explain that there is no appreciable lag incorporated in the design of the instrument.
 b. Cross-check the attitude indicator, vertical-speed indicator, and airspeed indicator. As each instrument is added to the cross-check, the speed of the cross-check must be increased to afford adequate coverage of all instruments. (NOTE: Encourage the use of peripheral vision.)
 c. Student practice. With a constant power setting, hold constant airspeed in level flight by use of:
  (1) The airspeed indicator alone.
  (2) All available pitch instruments.
5. Elevator Trim
 a. Application of elevator trim in pitch control.
  (1) Place aircraft in level flight, out of trim.
  (2) Point out pressures required to maintain desired pitch attitude.
  (3) Adjust trim to relieve pressure - show that aircraft flies "hands off."
  (4) In level flight, change airspeed. Point out the necessity of first holding pressure and relieving pressure with elevator trim.
 b. Student practice. Use of elevator trim in level flight.
  (1) With all pitch instruments.
  (2) Without the attitude indicator.

 NOTE - The instructor should aid the student in rudder and bank control throughout this lesson.
Lesson 2 - Bank Control
1. Attitude Indicator
 a. Point out the similarity of the horizon bar to the natural horizon while banking. The instrument gives a direct indication of bank.
  (1) Roll from one bank to another and point out the similarity of the apparent movement of the miniature aircraft and the real aircraft. To aid the student's understanding, tell him to imagine himself in the miniature aircraft.
  (2) Point out the banking scale at the top of the instrument. Rolling from one bank to another, show how the pointer indicates the degree of bank.
  (3) If the aircraft is flying right-side-up, the bank indices will be next to the reference marks on the case of the instrument.
  (4) If the aircraft is inverted, the bank indices will be at the bottom of the case (non-tumbling instrument).
 b. Demonstrate the banking limits of the instrument.
 c. Precession of the horizon bar. Make a steep turn of 180°. After returning to level flight at the completion of the turn, point out that pitch and bank errors may be as much as 5°.
 d. Caging and uncaging (if a caging device is available).
  (1) Cage and uncage in a banked attitude - show error.
  (2) Emphasize the importance of uncaging the instrument in level flight.
  (3) Stress the importance of fully uncaging the instrument after caging it, otherwise its limits may be greatly reduced.
 e. Cross-check. Point out that while cross-checking the attitude indicator, both pitch and bank should be checked at the same time.
 f. Student practice.
  (1) Bank control with the attitude indicator alone.
  (2) Occasionally place the aircraft in a bank and have the student level the wings.
  (3) Pitch and bank control using all the pitch instruments and the attitude indicator for bank control.
2. Heading Indicator
 a. Banks and turns.
  (1) In coordinated flight, turning means banking. The heading indicator gives an indirect indication of bank.
  (2) Roll into a shallow bank. The heading indicator moves slowly in the direction of the bank.
  (3) Increase the bank and point out the corresponding increase in the rate of turn on the heading indicator.
 b. Limits of the heading indicator.
  (1) The limits of the heading indicator vary with instrument design. Until recently, these limits have generally been 55 degrees of pitch and bank. If the limits of the instrument are exceeded, it gives an unreliable indication.
  (2) Due to precession caused by internal friction, the instrument should be checked at least every 15 minutes during flight and reset to the correct heading. An error of 3 degrees in 15 minutes is acceptable for normal operation.
 c. Correcting headings.
  (1) When correcting a heading, do not exceed in bank the number of degrees to be turned. For example, if the heading error is 10°, do not exceed a 10° bank when correcting.
  (2) The bank should never exceed that required to produce a standard rate turn or a maximum of 30°.
 d. Cross-check. Include the heading indicator in the cross-check to maintain straight-and-level flight. When available, the heading indicator is always primary for bank in straight flight.
 e. Student practice.
  (1) Maintaining straight flight with the heading indicator alone.
  (2) Maintaining straight flight by use of the heading indicator and the attitude indicator.
  (3) Maintaining straight and level flight by the use of all pitch instruments together with the heading indicator and attitude indicator of the bank group.
3. Turn Coordinator (miniature aircraft)
 a. When the miniature aircraft is level (proper trim), it indicates that the airplane is flying straight with the wings level. Demonstrate that the roll rate of the miniature aircraft is proportional to the airplane's rate of roll. Also, point out that the miniature aircraft indicates the airplane's rate of turn when the roll rate is reduced to zero.
 b. Roll from one turn to another. The miniature aircraft shows the roll rate of the airplane.
 c. Point out that when the airplane is banked in coordinated flight, it is also turning. This turn is indicated by the miniature aircraft.
 d. In straight-and-level unaccelerated flight, when the heading indicator is not available, the magnetic compass is primary for bank, closely supported by the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator.
 e. Referring to the attitude indicator, place the airplane in a very shallow bank (approximately 2°) and point out the position of the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator. Point out the corresponding movement of the heading indicator.
 f. Emphasize keeping the miniature aircraft level to maintain straight flight.
4. Turn Coordinator (ball instrument)
 a. Using turns of approximately a standard rate, demonstrate slipping and skidding turns. Point out that the ball on the low side of center indicates that the airplane's wing is low relative to the position of the miniature aircraft.
 b. Student practice. Visual, then under the hood, emphasizing cross-check (division of attention).
  (1) Bank control using the turn coordinator.
  (2) Maintaining straight-and-level flight with all pitch and bank instruments.
5. Rudder and Aileron Trim
 a. Emphasize maintaining attitude and trimming off pressures.
 b. Demonstrate how the need for trim can be determined by a proper interpretation of instrument indications.
 c. Make power changes and have the student maintain straight-and-level flight, keeping the aircraft properly trimmed.
 d. The cross-check for need of trim should be continued throughout flight.
 e. Trim technique - partial panel and full panel.
  (1) Partial panel - relax control pressures in straight-and-level flight. If the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator indicates a turn, but the ball is centered, aileron trim is needed. If the miniature aircraft and ball move simultaneously, rudder trim is needed.
  (2) Full panel - relax control pressures in straight-and-level flight. If the heading indicator shows a turn before a bank is shown on the attitude indicator, rudder trim is needed. If a bank is shown on the attitude indicator before a turn is shown on the heading indicator, aileron trim is needed. Refer to the miniature aircraft and ball of the turn coordinator to confirm this interpretation.
Lesson 3 - Power Control and Trim
1. Effect of Power Changes
 a. In level flight, increase power and point out that the nose has a tendency to rise and yaw left. Hold forward elevator pressure to maintain level flight and relieve the pressure with trim. The position of the ball indicates the need for rudder trim.
 b. In level flight, reduce power and point out that the nose has a tendency to drop and yaw right. Hold back pressure to maintain level flight. The position of the ball indicates the need for rudder trim.
 c. Increase and decrease power, demonstrating that little banking tendency exists if proper rudder pressure and trim are applied.
 d. Student practice. Make large power changes and have the student practice trim control in straight-and-level flight.
2. Airspeed Changes
 The terms Low Cruise, Normal Cruise, and High Cruise used in this section refer to speeds which can be established for an airplane used in instrument training or during actual instrument flight. Normal Cruise and High Cruise are enroute speeds. Low Cruise is maintained during holding patterns and the approach phase of an instrument flight. Airspeed changes should be practiced first in a "clean" configuration, then as proficiency increases, while extending the flaps and landing gear. Some of the performance figures and approximate pitch attitudes for a representative general aviation single-engine-airplane follow:

                                   MP   RPM   MPH-(IAS)  Approx. Pitch Att.
   High Cruise ------------------- 23"  2300     160        1/2 bar low
   Normal Cruise ----------------- 21"  2300     140        level
   Low Cruise -------------------- 17"  2300     110        1/2 bar high
   500 FPM Climb ----------------- 23"  2500     110        2 bars high
   500 FPM Descent --------------- 13"  2500     110        1/2 bar low
   Low Cruise - Gear Down -------- 22"  2500     110        1/2 bar high
   500 FPM Climb - Gear Down ----- 25"  2500     110        2 bars high
   500 FPM Descent - Gear Down --- 15"  2500     110        1/2 bar low

 a. Decrease airspeed - from High Cruise to Normal Cruise or from High Cruise or Normal Cruise to Low Cruise.
  (1) Reduce manifold pressure 3 to 5 inches (or 200 to 300 RPM on an aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller) below power required for desired cruise. Stress smooth and accurate throttle movement in all power changes. When the throttle is moved to the approximate correct position, the manifold pressure gauge is included in the cross-check and a final adjustment made. Re-emphasize the need for proper rudder and elevator trim.
  (2) Pitch must be changed to maintain a constant altitude as airspeed changes. Remind student of acceleration and deceleration errors of the attitude indicator.
  (3) The manifold pressure gauge is the primary power instrument while the airspeed is changing. As the airspeed approaches desired cruise, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power. Power should then be increased to the approximate setting that will maintain desired cruise airspeed.
 b. Increase airspeed - from Slow Cruise to Normal Cruise or High Cruise, or from Normal Cruise to High Cruise. Increase power 3 to 5 inches (or 200 to 300 RPM on an aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller) above the power required to maintain desired cruise. Trim. The manifold pressure gauge is primary for power while the airspeed is changing. As desired cruise airspeed is approached, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power and the manifold pressure is adjusted to maintain it. Trim.
3. Control of Altitude and Airspeed in Straight-and-Level Flight
 a. Altitude is maintained with pitch control and airspeed is maintained with power control. The need for a pitch or power change is indicated by a cross-check between the altimeter and the airspeed indicator.
 b. If the altitude is correct and the airspeed is either high or low, change power to attain the desired airspeed. When the altitude is low and the airspeed is high (or when the altitude is high and the airspeed is low), only a pitch change may be needed to attain the desired altitude and airspeed. When both altitude and airspeed are high or low, a change in both pitch and power is needed.
4. Interpretation and Cross-Check of Pitch, Bank, and Power Instruments in Straight-and-Level Flight
 a. The altimeter is primary for pitch; the heading indicator (or magnetic compass, if the heading indicator is not available) is primary for bank; and the airspeed indicator is primary for power control. During power changes, your cross-check must be particularly efficient and accurate.
 b. Student practice changing airspeed in straight-and-level flight:
  (1) With all available pitch, bank, and power instruments.
  (2) Without the heading indicator.
  (3) Without the heading indicator and attitude indicator.
Lesson 4 - Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
1. Climbs - Entry from Normal Cruise Airspeed
 a. Enter constant airspeed climb from normal cruise airspeed.
 b. As the climb power and climb pitch attitude are established, the attitude indicator becomes primary for pitch at the approximate climb attitude. At this time, the manifold pressure (or tachometer) is primary for power. The vertical-speed indicator will show an immediate upward trend and will stop on a rate appropriate to the stabilized airspeed and attitude. The airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch when the airspeed stabilizes on a constant value.
 c. Emphasize trim as power and pitch are changed.
 d. Demonstrate the use of the vertical-speed indicator as an aid in maintaining a desired airspeed by adjusting the pitch attitude on the attitude indicator to change the vertical-speed 200 feet per minute to gain or lose 5 knots in airspeed.
 e. In climbs as well as in level flight, the vertical-speed indicator is used as an aid in pitch control.
2. Level-off from Climbs at Cruise Airspeed
 a. Lead the altitude by approximately ten percent of the vertical speed shown, i.e., for 500 feet per minute, use a 50-foot lead.
 b. As the level-off is started, the altimeter becomes primary for pitch.
 c. Cross-check the attitude indicator, the altimeter, and vertical-speed indicator.
 d. Leave the power at climbing power until the airspeed approaches normal cruise airspeed, adjusting pitch as necessary to maintain altitude.
 e. Emphasize trim.
3. Student Practice.
 Enter climbs from normal cruise airspeed and level-off at normal cruise airspeed:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
4. Climbs - Entry from Climb Airspeed
 a. As the power is increased to climb power, the airspeed indicator immediately becomes primary for pitch.
 b. As power is increased, adjust the pitch attitude on the attitude indicator to maintain a constant airspeed.
 c. Use the relationship between the airspeed and the vertical-speed for pitch control.
5. Level-Off from Climbs at Climb Airspeed
 a. Lead the altitude by approximately ten percent of the vertical speed.
 b. As the level-off is started, the altimeter becomes primary for pitch.
 c. Simultaneously lower pitch attitude and reduce power to maintain altitude and airspeed.
 d. Trim.
6. Student Practice.
 Enter climbs from climb airspeed and level off at climb airspeed:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
7. Descents - Entry
 a. Reduce power to descending power setting. Maintain altitude until the airspeed approaches descending airspeed.
 b. When the airspeed approaches that desired, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so throughout the descent. Adjust pitch attitude to maintain airspeed. This establishes the descent.
 c. Demonstrate the use of the vertical-speed indicator as an aid in maintaining the desired airspeed by adjusting the pitch attitude on the attitude indicator to change the vertical speed 200 feet per minute to gain or lose 5 knots in airspeed.
8. Level-Off from Descents at Cruise Airspeed
 a. At approximately 150 feet above the desired altitude, advance power to cruise power setting.
 b. The vertical-speed indicator is primary for pitch until the normal lead for level-off is reached. At this time, the altimeter becomes primary for pitch. Properly executed, cruise airspeed should be reached as the level off is completed.
 c. Trim is particularly important, since the nose tends to rise when the power is applied.
9. Level-Off from Descents at Descent Airspeed
 a. At approximately 50 feet above the desired altitude, advance the power to a setting which will hold the airspeed constant. Simultaneously adjust pitch attitude to maintain airspeed.
 b. As the level-off is started, the altimeter becomes primary for pitch and the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power.
 c. Trim.
10. Student Practice.
 Enter descents and execute level-off from descents at cruising and descending airspeed:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
Lesson 5 - Turns and Heading Indicator Turns
1. Standard Rate Turns at Cruising Airspeed
 a. Turn entry and recovery.
  (1) In level flight, enter a turn. As the turn is established on the attitude indicator, it becomes primary for bank. When the approximate desired bank is reached, the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator becomes primary for bank and the attitude indicator becomes supporting for bank. The altimeter is primary for pitch and the airspeed indicator is primary for power.
  (2) Loss of vertical lift. Pitch attitude must be changed to hold a constant altitude. Apply corrections only when the instruments show need for correction.
  (3) When the desired bank is reached, it may be necessary to hold slight aileron and rudder pressure opposite the direction of turn to maintain the desired bank. Emphasize maintaining a constant bank angle.
  (4) Power is adjusted as necessary to maintain a constant airspeed.
  (5) Recovery to straight-and-level flight. The roll-out is accomplished by reference to the attitude indicator. When the normal lead for roll-out is reached, the heading indicator (if available) becomes primary for bank. Adjust the pitch attitude and power as necessary to maintain the desired altitude and airspeed.
 b. Turn entry with rudder alone.
  (1) Enter a turn using only rudder. Show the resulting skid, displacement of the ball, and the effect on airspeed.
  (2) Show that the aircraft is turning faster than the bank indicates.
 c. Turn entry with aileron alone.
  (1) Enter a turn using only aileron. Show yaw caused by aileron drag and that coordinated use of rudder and aileron eliminates its effect.
  (2) When correcting for a slip or skid, the angle of bank will have to be changed to maintain a constant rate turn.
 d. Angle of bank for standard rate turn.

                              Approximate Angle (to nearest
         Airspeed in Knots            degree) for
              (True)                   3°/Second
                80                         12°
                90                         14°
               100                         15°
               110                         17°
               120                         18°
               130                         20°
               140                         21°
               150                         22°

 NOTE - A rule-of-thumb to find the amount of bank needed for a standard rate turn is to divide the airspeed by 10 and add one-half the answer. For 100 knots, the angle of bank required is:

      ---- = 10 + 5 (one-half of 10) = 15°

  (1) Make turns at low cruise airspeed, using correct bank for standard rate.
  (2) Make turns at normal cruise airspeed, using correct bank for standard rate.
  (3) Make turns at high cruise speed, using correct bank for standard rate.
 e. Student practice turns.
  (1) First without the hood, then with the hood.
  (2) Full and partial panel.
2. Climbing and Descending Turns
 a. Entry.
  (1) The entry may be made in three ways: enter the climb/descent then the turn; enter the turn then the climb/descent; enter the climb/descent and turn simultaneously.
  (2) Point out that these maneuvers require simultaneous use of bank and pitch techniques previously learned individually for level turns and straight climbs and descents.
  (3) When climbing or descending airspeed is reached, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch.
  (4) The manifold pressure gauge is primary for power, and as the approximate desired bank is reached, the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator becomes primary for bank.
  (5) Emphasize trim.
 b. Level-off
  (1) Combine techniques previously described for climb and descent level-offs and turn recovery.
  (2) The student may stop the turn, then level-off, or level-off then stop the turn, or level-off and stop the turn simultaneously.
 c. Student practice. Make climbing and descending turns, leveling-off at various airspeeds:
  (1) With all available instruments.
  (2) Without the attitude indicator.
3. Turns to Predetermined Headings
 a. Enter a coordinated standard rate turn. Show the student that the aircraft will turn as long as the wings are banked and point out that the rollout must be started before reaching the desired heading.
 b. As a guide for rollout on a desired heading, use a lead of 1° for each 2° of bank being held. Never exceed in bank the number of degrees to be turned, and in no case exceed a standard rate of turn.
 c. With the attitude indicator covered, have the student change heading 30° using a standard rate turn.
 d. With all instruments available, show the proper bank to use when changing heading less than 15°.
 e. Student practice. Make turns to various headings:
  (1) With all available instruments.
  (2) Without the attitude indicator.
Lesson 6 - Instrument Takeoff
1. Cockpit Check
 a. Stress the importance of a complete and careful cockpit check.
 b. Emphasize the importance of setting the miniature aircraft properly.
 c. Emphasize setting the trim properly.
2. Taxi to Takeoff Position
 a. Accurately align the aircraft with the runway, being sure that the nose wheel or tail wheel is straight.
 b. Set the heading indicator with the nose index on the 5° mark nearest the published heading of the runway. Be sure the instrument is uncaged.
 c. Hold the aircraft stationary with brakes.
3. Takeoff
 a. Advance the power to a setting that will provide partial rudder control.
 b. Release the brakes and advance the throttle smoothly to takeoff power.
 c. During the takeoff roll, the heading indicator is primary for directional control. Control direction with rudder. (Use brakes as a last resort.)
 d. As you reach a speed where elevator control becomes effective (approximately 15 to 25 knots below takeoff speed), note acceleration error and establish takeoff attitude on the attitude indicator (approximately a 2-bar width).
 e. As the aircraft approaches flying speed and immediately after leaving the ground, the pitch and bank attitudes are controlled by reference to the attitude indicator. When the altimeter and vertical-speed indicator show a climb, you are airborne. Continue to maintain heading by reference to the heading indicator.
 f. Continue to maintain the pitch and bank attitudes by reference to the attitude indicator.
 g. Maintain a stable climb as indicated by the altimeter and vertical-speed indicator and at 100 feet call for gear retraction.
 h. When the gear is retracted, maintain a pitch attitude on the attitude indicator that will give a continuous climb on the vertical-speed indicator and a smooth increase in airspeed.
 i. The heading indicator becomes primary for bank when the vertical-speed indicator and altimeter indicate a climb.
 j. Retract the flaps as soon as a safe altitude and airspeed is reached.
 k. When climbing airspeed is reached, reduce power to the climb setting. At this time, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch and the manifold pressure gauge (or tachometer) becomes primary for power.
 l. The climb-out is accomplished as a constant airspeed climb.
 m. The trim is set prior to takeoff. Do not alter the trim until after the aircraft is definitely airborne, then relieve control pressures with trim as necessary.
4. Student Practice.
 Instrument takeoffs to be practiced:
 a. Without the hood.
 b. With the hood.
Lesson 7 - Rate Climbs and Descents
1. Climbs at a Definite (Indicated) Rate
 a. While maintaining straight-and-level flight, change to climb airspeed.
 b. Enter a climb from an exact altitude with climbing airspeed.
 c. Advance the power to the approximate setting that will result in a 500-foot per minute rate of climb. Simultaneously adjust pitch attitude to maintain a constant airspeed.
 d. As the power is advanced in the climb entry, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so until the vertical speed approaches a rate of climb of 500 feet per minute. At this time, the vertical-speed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so for the remainder of the climb. The airspeed indicator again becomes the primary instrument for power.
 e. The heading indicator is primary for bank throughout the maneuver.
 f. Show that any deviation in vertical speed indicates the need for a pitch change, and that the airspeed is controlled by the use of power.
 g. Show how pitch and power changes must be coordinated closely. For example:
  (1) If the vertical speed is correct but the airspeed is high, reduce power.
  (2) If the vertical speed is high and the airspeed is low, reduce pitch.
  (3) If the vertical speed is low and the airspeed is low, increase both pitch and power.
  (4) If the vertical speed is high and the airspeed is high, reduce both pitch and power.
 h. Emphasize trim throughout.
2. Level-Off from a Climb at a Definite (Indicated) Rate.
 Follow the same procedure that was described previously for level-off from a constant airspeed climb.
3. Descents at a Definite (Indicated) Rate
 a. Enter a descent from an exact altitude and descending airspeed.
 b. Reduce power to the approximate setting for a 500-foot per minute rate of descent, simultaneously adjusting pitch attitude to maintain a constant airspeed.
 c. As the power is reduced in the descent entry, the airspeed indicator is primary for pitch and remains so until the vertical speed approaches a rate of descent of 500 feet per minute. At this time, the vertical-speed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so for the remainder of the descent. As the vertical-speed reaches 500 feet per minute, the airspeed indicator becomes the primary instrument for power.
 d. The heading indicator is primary for bank throughout the maneuver.
 e. Show how pitch and power changes must be coordinated (see examples given for climbs).
 f. Emphasize trim.
4. Level-Off from a Descent at a Definite (Indicated) Rate.
 Follow the same procedure that has been described previously for level-off from constant airspeed descents.
5. Student Practice.
 Make climbs and descents at a definite indicated rate.
6. Calibration of the Vertical-Speed Indicator
 a. Establish a climb or descent at a 500-foot per minute indicated rate.
 b. Each 15 seconds, check the altimeter for a 125-foot altitude change.
 c. If the altitude change is more or less than 125 feet, adjust the vertical speed accordingly.
 d. Repeat the procedure until a vertical speed is determined that will produce the desired rate.
 e. Any error found during calibration should be considered during subsequent rate climbs or descents.
7. Student Practice.
 Calibrate the vertical-speed indicator during both climbs and descents.
8. Climbs at a Definite (Absolute) Rate
 a. Establish climbing airspeed.
 b. As the clock second hand passes any cardinal point (12, 3, 6, or 9), enter the climb using the same technique that has been described for the entry into a climb at a definite indicated rate.
 c. The primary pitch, bank, and power instruments are the same as those which are primary during climbs at a definite indicated rate.
 d. Since the aircraft does not start climbing immediately after power is applied, the altimeter is approximately 20 to 30 feet behind the clock. This lag is maintained throughout the climb.
 e. Use the first 30 seconds to establish the proper vertical speed and trim.
 f. Check the clock and altimeter every 15 seconds thereafter for 125 feet of altitude change.
 g. Show the student how to correct for any errors.
9. Level-Off from a Climb at a Definite (Absolute) Rate.
 Follow the same procedures that were described previously for level-off from a constant airspeed climb.
10. Student Practice.
 Make climbs and descents at a definite absolute rate.
Lesson 8 - Vertical S, S-1, and S-2
1. Vertical S.
 This maneuver is a series of climbs and descents at a definite indicated rate.
 a. Climbing or descending airspeed should be established prior to entry.
 b. During the reversal of vertical direction, lead the altitude 40 to 60 feet in descents and 20 to 30 feet in climbs.
 c. Change the altitude 500 feet, 400 feet, 300 feet, then 200 feet, returning to the original altitude each time. After the 200-foot altitude change, return to the original altitude and level-off at climbing or descending airspeed (low cruise).
 d. Performing the Vertical S.
  (1) From an exact altitude and climbing or descending airspeed, adjust power and pitch attitude to enter a climb or descent.
  (2) As the power is adjusted in the entry, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch.
  (3) As the vertical speed approaches 500 feet per minute, the vertical-speed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so until the reversal of the vertical direction is started. As the vertical speed reaches 500 feet per minute, the airspeed indicator again becomes the primary instrument for power.
  (4) As the reversal of the vertical direction is started, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for pitch and remains so until the vertical speed approaches the desired rate of 500 feet per minute.
  (5) Stress the importance of trim and cross-check.
2. Vertical S-1.
 This maneuver is a combination of the vertical "S" and a standard rate turn.
 a. Enter in the same manner as a climbing or descending turn.
 b. Reverse the direction of turn with each return to entry altitude.
 c. Emphasize trim and smooth control technique.
3. Vertical S-2.
 This maneuver differs from the Vertical S-1 in that the direction of turn is reversed with each reversal of vertical direction.
4. Student Practice.
 Perform Vertical S, S-1, and S-2:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the attitude indicator.
Lesson 9 - Magnetic Compass
1. Turning Errors
 a. The magnetic compass gives erroneous turn indications when the aircraft is flying near headings of north or south.
 b. The magnitude of error varies with angle of bank and proximity to north or south headings. The error becomes progressively smaller as east or west headings are approached. The error also depends on the latitude at which the aircraft is flying.
 c. All methods of compensating for turn error in medium latitudes are based on using a definite and constant bank between 15° and 18°.
2. Northerly Turning Error
 a. Fly a north heading long enough for the compass to settle down (wings must be level).
 b. Enter a turn toward the west. The compass immediately indicates a turn in the opposite direction, i.e., toward the east. (Return to the north heading.)
 c. Enter a turn toward the east. The compass indicates a turn toward the west. (Return to the north heading.)
 d. Enter a very shallow banked turn toward the west. The compass indicates momentarily that a straight course is being maintained. Point out that the wings must be level to avoid turn errors. Repeat the demonstration in a shallow turn toward the east.
 e. Enter a steep turn. The compass lags excessively and may swing completely around in the opposite direction from the turn.
3. Southerly Turning Error
 a. Fly a south heading and let the compass settle down (wings must be level).
 b. Enter a turn toward the west. The compass indicates a much faster turn in the same direction. (Return to the south heading.)
 c. Enter a turn toward the east. The compass indicates a much faster turn in the same direction.
 d. The wings must be level to avoid compass turn errors.
4. Acceleration and Deceleration Error
 a. Fly a heading of east.
 b. Increase airspeed in level flight to show acceleration error - compass indicates a turn toward north.
 c. Reduce airspeed in level flight to show deceleration error - compass indicates a turn toward the south.
 d. Lower the nose at a constant power setting - show acceleration error.
 e. Raise the nose at a constant power setting - show deceleration error.
 f. Fly a heading of west and repeat the above demonstration.
 g. Explain that the magnitude of the error depends on the rate of acceleration or deceleration. To read the compass accurately on easterly and westerly headings, the airspeed must be constant.
 h. Acceleration and deceleration errors are not present in constant airspeed climbs and descents.
 i. Show that acceleration and deceleration errors are not present on north and south headings.
 j. Show that turn errors are not present on east and west headings.
5. Turns to Magnetic Compass Headings
 a. Turn to a heading of north, using 15° to 18° of bank. Lead the heading an amount equal to the latitude plus half the angle of bank.
 b. Turn to heading of south, using 15° to 18° of bank. Over-shoot the heading an amount equal to the latitude minus half the angle of bank.
 c. From south, then from north, turn to a heading of east. Lead the heading approximately 5° when turning from a heading of south to east and approximately 10° when turning from a heading of north to east.
 d. Turn to a heading of west, using the procedure given above.
 e. Show that lead or lag must be interpolated when turning to intermediate headings.
6. Student Practice.
 Make turns to magnetic compass headings:
 a. Without the heading indicator.
 b. Without the heading indicator and attitude indicator.
Lesson 10 - Timed Turns
1. Calibration of the Miniature Aircraft of the Turn Coordinator
 a. With all instruments available, establish a standard rate turn as indicated by the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator.
 b. As the clock second hand passes a cardinal point (12, 3, 6, or 9), check the heading indicator.
 c. Check for a turn of 30° each 10 seconds (no lag, since timing is started after turn is established).
 d. Make necessary changes in indicated rate (miniature aircraft position) to produce a standard rate turn.
 e. Calibrate miniature aircraft of turn coordinator both right and left.
 f. Note exact deflection of miniature aircraft and use during all timed turns.
2. Timed Turns with All Instruments Available
 a. Enter a standard rate turn when the clock second hand passes a cardinal point (12, 3, 6, or 9).
 b. The first 30 seconds is used to establish the turn properly.
 c. Check the heading indicator to see whether the rate of turn is proper. It should indicate a turn of 90° minus the number of degrees lag for the angle of bank used (lag will be approximately one-half the degree of bank).
 d. Demonstrate how the angle of bank is increased or decreased to compensate for any error.
 e. After the first 30 seconds, the heading indicator should be checked against the clock every 15 seconds.
 f. Time is started when pressure is applied to roll into a turn and is stopped when pressure is applied to roll out.
 g. With all instruments available, roll out on the desired heading regardless of time.
3. Timed Turns without the Heading Indicator and Attitude Indicator
 a. Enter a standard rate turn, using the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator as the primary bank instrument while in the turn.
 b. Turn for 30 seconds, using a constant miniature aircraft position.
 c. At the end of 30 seconds, roll out of the turn at the same rate you made the roll-in.
 d. With the wings level and the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator indicating zero rate of turn, the magnetic compass should indicate that a turn of 90° has been made.
 e. For small changes in heading, use a half-standard-rate turn as indicated by the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator.
4. Student Practice. Make timed turns at different airspeeds:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the heading indicator.
 c. Without the heading indicator and attitude indicator.
Lesson 11 - Steep Turns
1. Demonstrate Steep Turns
 a. Explain that any turn greater than standard rate is considered a steep turn.
 b. Stress value of steep turn to increase student's ability to react quickly and smoothly to rapid changes in attitude.

 NOTE - Student should use normal rate of roll-in and roll-out.

 c. Point out that entry, turn, and recovery procedures are the same as those used in normal turns.
 d. To maintain altitude as bank increases, the nose of the aircraft must be raised to compensate for the decrease of vertical lift.
 e. With the increase in drag, the airspeed tends to decrease, so power must be added to maintain the desired airspeed.
2. Performance of Steep Turns-Full Panel
 a. Enter a turn of more than a standard rate.
 b. The altimeter is primary for pitch. To maintain altitude, make a pitch change only when the pitch instruments show the need for a change.
 c. The airspeed indicator is primary for power. Add power when the airspeed indicator shows a need for it.
 d. Cross-check the attitude indicator, altimeter, and vertical-speed indicator for pitch control. Refer to the attitude indicator when making pitch corrections, taking precession error into consideration.
3. Performance of Steep Turns-Partial Panel
 a. Use the turn coordinator to maintain a constant rate of turn.
 b. Control pitch by reference to the altimeter/vertical-speed indicator combination.
4. Recovery
 a. Should be smooth with a normal rate of roll.
 b. Since vertical lift increases, pitch attitude and power should be reduced as required to maintain altitude and airspeed.
5. Student Practice. Make steep turns:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.

Lesson 12 - Recovery From Unusual Attitudes

1. General Considerations
 Assume that an unusual attitude exists if the rate of movement of the instruments is not normal. When an unusual attitude is detected, prompt corrective action is essential. In moderate unusual attitudes, the pilot can normally reorient himself by establishing a level flight indication on the Attitude Indicator. However, recoveries should be made primarily by reference to the airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn coordinator, and the vertical-speed indicator for these reasons; (1) many aircraft are equipped with spillable attitude indicators, and (2) the gyroscopic instruments may become inoperative, or, in extreme attitudes, difficult to interpret.
2. Rules for Recovery
 Check the trend of the airspeed indicator and altimeter to determine whether the nose is low or high. Determine the direction of turn by reference to the turn coordinator. Make corrective control applications almost simultaneously. Emphasize proper interpretation of attitude to ensure proper control sequence. The example given below is the recommended sequence for most situations.
 a. If the nose is low:
  (1) Reduce the power to prevent excessive airspeed and loss of altitude.
  (2) Level the wings by applying coordinated aileron and rudder pressures to level the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator and center the ball.
  (3) Apply elevator pressure to correct the pitch attitude to level flight.
 b. If the nose is high:
  (1) Apply power.
  (2) Apply forward elevator pressure to lower the nose and prevent a stall.
  (3) Correct the bank by applying coordinated aileron and rudder pressure level the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator and center the ball.
 c. The pitch attitude will be approximately level when the airspeed and altimeter needles stop their movement and the vertical-speed indicator reverses its trend.
 d. The airplane's bank attitude will be approximately level when the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator is level.
 e. Do not use the attitude indicator until you verify that it is reliable.
 f. Start a climb or descent back to the original altitude and heading as soon as you attain full control of the aircraft and have a safe airspeed.
3. Student Practice
 a. Recovery from nose-low unusual attitudes:
  (1) With all available instruments.
  (2) Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
 b. Recovery from nose-high unusual attitudes:
  (1) With all available instruments.
  (2) Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
Lesson 13 - Change of Airspeed In Turns
1. Change from Normal to Low Cruise Airspeed after Turn is Established
 a. Establish a standard rate turn at normal cruise airspeed.
 b. Reduce power 3" to 5" (or 200 to 300 RPM on an aircraft having a fixed pitch propeller) below power required for low cruise airspeed.
 c. Point out the increase in pitch attitude required to maintain altitude as the airspeed decreases.
 d. Point out the reduction in bank required to maintain a standard rate turn as the airspeed decreases.
 e. Point out the similarity to change of airspeed in straight-and-level flight.
 f. The altimeter is primary for pitch and the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator is primary for bank.
 g. While the airspeed is changing, the manifold pressure gauge (or tachometer) is primary for power. As the airspeed approaches the desired value, the airspeed indicator becomes primary for power.
 h. Stress trim as the airspeed changes.
2. Change from Low to Normal Cruise Airspeed after Turn is Established.
 The procedure parallels that given above except -
 a. The power must be overshot 3" to 5" (or 200 to 300 RPM on an aircraft having a fixed pitch propeller).
 b. The pitch is lowered to maintain altitude.
 c. The bank is increased to maintain a standard rate turn.
3. Change Airspeed and Enter Turn Simultaneously.
 The procedure is the same as that described above, except the turn entry and power change are started simultaneously.
4. Student Practice.
 Make changes of airspeed in turns:
 a. After the turn has been established.
 b. Entering turn and changing airspeed simultaneously.
 c. With all available instruments.
 d. Without the attitude indicator and heading indicator.
Lesson 14 - Climbs and Descents to Predetermined Altitudes and Headings
1. Climbs to Predetermined Altitudes and Headings (Climb 1,000 feet and turn 360°)
 a. Change airspeed to climbing airspeed in straight-and-level flight.
 b. When the clock second hand indicates the starting time (12, 3, 6, or 9), change pitch, bank, and power simultaneously. Enter a standard rate climbing turn (3° per second and 500 feet per minute).
 c. Control bank as in timed turns, checking heading every 15 seconds after the first 30 seconds.
 d. Control pitch as in rate climbs, checking altitude every 15 seconds after the first 30 seconds.
 e. Consider lag in heading and altitude. Maintain lag throughout the maneuver.
 f. Roll-out on correct heading and level-off on correct altitude, regardless of time.
2. Descents to Predetermined Altitudes and Headings (Descend 1,000 feet and turn 360°)
 a. Change airspeed to descending airspeed in straight-and-level flight.
 b. Make a descending turn paralleling procedures outlined above for climb.
3. Student Practice.
 Make climbs and descents to altitudes and headings:
 a. With all available instruments.
 b. Without the heading indicator and attitude indicator.

Lesson 15 - Pattern "A"

 The purpose of both Pattern "A" and Pattern "B" is to further develop the pilot's ability to control the aircraft without deliberate thought. These patterns help prepare the student for the holding patterns and procedure turns he will fly during radio navigation. Initial practice should be on cardinal headings for simplification; however, as proficiency increases the student should be able to accomplish the patterns on any heading. The instructor may make various changes in the patterns, or, the patterns may be flown over a navigational facility, correcting for drift on each leg.

1. Brief Student Thoroughly Prior to the Flight
2. Performance of Maneuver in the Aircraft
 a. This maneuver should be performed first with all available instruments, then on partial panel.
 b. Start Pattern "A" and demonstrate through the first three turns, then have the student continue.
 c. Timing should start when the clock second hand is on a cardinal point, preferably the 12 o'clock position.
 d. The timing for this pattern is consecutive in that the time for each leg is started when control pressure is applied to recover from the preceding turn.
 e. After recovery from turns, allow sufficient time for the compass card to stop oscillating, then note the heading and correct if necessary. An exception is the 30-second leg. If you note an error in heading here, compensate for it by lengthening or shortening the time allotted for the next turn.
 f. The turn coordinator and magnetic compass must be observed closely at all times. To correct a heading, use a timed turn (for small heading changes, use a half-standard rate turn).
 g. An efficient cross-check is required during airspeed changes so that corrections may be applied immediately.

Lesson 16 - Pattern "B"
1. Brief Student Thoroughly Prior to the Flight
2. Performance of Maneuver in the Aircraft
 a. Do not demonstrate unless absolutely necessary.
 b. All available instruments are used.
 c. Roll out on headings regardless of time.
 d. When changing airspeed in turns, simultaneously change bank and power, also pitch if applicable.
 e. The descending final turn is made at an absolute rate.
 f. The final descent is made to a minimum altitude set by the instructor, or until the time expires, whichever comes first.
 g. The emergency pull-up is made as a normal go-around procedure, climbing to the original altitude.

Figure 2. Pattern "B".

Lesson 17 - Radar Approach (PAR)
1. Brief Student Thoroughly Prior to Flight
2. Radar Pattern
 a. Position the aircraft on a downwind leg and on interphone simulate the initial call-up, the surveillance radar controller, and the final controller.
 b. The student reads back all headings and altitudes given, and acknowledges all other transmissions except when instructed otherwise by the final approach controller.
 c. Perform the prelanding check on the downwind leg. Change airspeed to initial approach airspeed and set flaps as appropriate.
 d. Make all heading changes in the pattern with a standard rate turn.
 e. Turn to base leg and complete the final cockpit check.
 f. Turn to the final approach heading, reduce airspeed to approach speed, and make final flap setting. Maintain altitude and heading while changing airspeed and setting flaps.
 g. Enter a normal 500-foot per minute rate descent when so instructed by the controller.
 h. Final approach corrections:
  (1) If above or below the glide path, make an approximate pitch correction and monitor the airspeed indicator for the need of power change.
  (2) When changing headings, do not exceed in bank angle the number of degrees to be turned.
  (3) Stress the importance of making immediate and precise corrections when so instructed by the controller.
3. Student Practice
 a. The instructor acts as the surveillance radar controller and the final controller and has the student perform a simulated precision radar approach at altitude.
 b. Repeat the above to a landing runway. At simulated PAR minimums, the instructor will take over and land the aircraft or have the student perform a missed approach. - Aviation Library
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