Straight and level Flight
Straight and level flight is just what the name implies - flight in which a constant heading and altitude are maintained. It is accomplished by making immediate corrections for deviations in direction and altitude from unintentional slight turns, descents, and climbs. The pitch attitude for level flight (constant altitude) is
usually obtained by selecting some portion of the airplane's nose as a reference
point, and then keeping that point in a fixed position relative to the horizon.
That position should be cross checked occasionally against the altimeter to
determine whether or not the pitch attitude is correct. If altitude is being
gained or lost, the pitch attitude should be readjusted in relation to the
horizon and then the altimeter rechecked to determine if altitude is now being
maintained. The application of forward or back elevator pressure is used to
control this attitude.
Straight flight (laterally level flight) may also be
accomplished by visually checking the relationship of the airplane's wingtips
with the horizon. Both wingtips should be equidistant above or below the horizon
(depending on whether the airplane is a high wing or low wing type), and any
necessary adjustments should be made with the ailerons, noting the relationship
of control pressure and the airplane's attitude.
When practicing this fundamental flight maneuver, the pilot should trim the airplane so it will fly straight and level without assistance. This is called "hands off flight." The trim controls, when correctly used, are aids to smooth and precise flying. Improper trim technique usually results in flying that is physically tiring, particularly in prolonged straight and level flight. By using the trim tabs to relieve all control pressures, the pilot will find that it is much easier to hold a given altitude and heading. The airplane should be trimmed by first applying control pressure to establish the desired attitude, and then adjusting the trim so that the airplane will maintain that attitude without control pressure in "hands off flight." For all practical purposes, the airspeed will remain constant in straight and level flight with a constant power setting. Practice of intentional airspeed changes by increasing or decreasing the power, will provide an excellent means of developing proficiency in maintaining straight and level flight at various speeds. Significant changes in airspeed will, of course, require considerable changes in pitch attitude and pitch trim to maintain altitude. Pronounced changes in pitch attitude and trim will also be necessary as the flaps and landing gear are operated.