2-3-1 General
Unless otherwise authorized in a facility directive, use flight
progress strips to post current data on air traffic and clearances required for
control and other air traffic control services. To prevent misinterpretation
when data is hand printed, use standard hand printed characters.
EN ROUTE: Flight Progress Strips shall be posted. {New-98-3 Revised
February 26, 1998} REFERENCE - FAAO 7210.3, Flight Progress
Strip Usage, paragraph 6-1-6. a. Maintain only necessary current data
and remove the strips from the flight progress boards when no longer required
for control purposes. To correct, update, or preplan information: 1.
Do not erase or overwrite any item. Use an "X" to delete a climb/descend and
maintain arrow, an at or above/below symbol, a cruise symbol, and unwanted
altitude information. Write the new altitude information immediately adjacent to
it and within the same space. 2. Do not draw a horizontal line
through an altitude being vacated until after the aircraft has reported or is
observed (valid Mode C) leaving the altitude. 3. Preplanning may be
accomplished in red pencil. b. Manually prepared strips shall conform
to the format of machine-generated strips and manual strip preparation
procedures will be modified simultaneously with the operational implementation
of changes in the machine-generated format. (See Figure 2-3-1) c.
Altitude information may be written in thousands of feet provided the procedure
is authorized by the facility manager, and is defined in a facility directive,
i.e. 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8. NOTE - A slant line crossing
through the number zero and underline of the letter "s" on handwritten portions
of flight progress strips are required only when there is reason to believe the
lack of these markings could lead to misunderstanding. A slant line crossing
through the number zero is required on all weather data.
2-3-2 En route Data Entries
a. Information recorded on the flight progress strips (FAA Forms
7230-19) shall be entered in the correspondingly numbered spaces: 1.
Verification symbol if required. 2. Revision number. 3.
Aircraft identification. 4. Number of aircraft if more than one,
TCAS/heavy aircraft indicator if appropriate, type of aircraft, and aircraft
equipment suffix. The TCAS indicator is "T/," the heavy aircraft indicator is
"H/," and for aircraft that are both TCAS and heavy, the indicator is "B/" and
for B757, the indicator is "F/", B757 with TCAS, the indicator is "L/".
5. Filed true airspeed. 6. Sector number. 7.
Computer identification number if required. 8. Estimated groundspeed.
9. Revised groundspeed or strip request (SR) originator.
10. Strip number. 11. Previous fix. 12. Estimated time
over previous fix. 13. Revised estimated time over previous fix.
14. Actual time over previous fix, or actual departure time entered
on first fix posting after departure. 14a. Plus time expressed in
minutes from the previous fix to the posted fix. 15. Center-estimated
time over fix (in hours and minutes), or clearance information for departing
aircraft. 16. Arrows to indicate if aircraft is departing () or
arriving (). 17. Pilot-estimated time over fix. 18. Actual
time over fix, time leaving holding fix, arrival time at nonapproach control
airport, or symbol indicating cancellation of IFR flight plan for arriving
aircraft, or departure time (actual or assumed). 19. Fix. For
departing aircraft, add proposed departure time. 20. Altitude
information (in hundreds of feet) or as noted below. NOTE - Altitude
information may be written in thousands of feet provided the procedure is
authorized by the facility manager, and is defined in a facility directive, i.e.
FL 330 as 33, 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8. 20a. OPTIONAL USE,
when voice recorders are operational; REQUIRED USE,
when the voice recorders are not operating and strips are being used at the
facility. This space is used to record reported RA events. The letters RA
followed by a climb or descent arrow (if the climb or descent action is
reported) and the time (hhmm) the event is reported. 21. Next posted
fix or coordination fix. 22. Pilot's estimated time over next fix.
23. Arrows to indicate north (), south (), east (), or west ()
direction of flight if required. 24. Requested altitude. NOTE -
Altitude information may be written in thousands of feet provided the
procedure is authorized by the facility manager, and is defined in a facility
directive, i.e. FL 330 as 33, 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8. 25.
Point of origin, route as required for control and data relay, and destination.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998} 26. Pertinent remarks,
minimum fuel, point out/radar vector/speed adjustment information or
sector/position number (when applicable in accordance with paragraph 2-2-1,
Recording Information), or NRP. 27. Mode 3/A beacon code if
applicable. 28. Miscellaneous control data (expected further
clearance time, time cleared for approach, etc.). 29-30. Transfer of
control data and coordination indicators. b. Latitude/longitude
coordinates may be used to define waypoints and may be substituted for
nonadapted NAVAIDs in space 25 of domestic en route flight progress strips
provided it is necessary to accommodate a random RNAV or GNSS route request.
c. Facility Air Traffic Managers may authorize the optional use of
spaces 13, 14, 14a, 22, 23, 24, and 28 for point out information, radar vector
information, speed adjustment information, or transfer of control data.
2-3-3 Terminal Data Entries
a. Arrivals: Information recorded on the flight progress
strips (FAA Forms 7230-7.1, 7230-7.2, and 7230-8) shall be entered in the
correspondingly numbered spaces. Facility managers can authorize omissions
and/or optional use of spaces 2A, 9A, and 10-18, if no misunderstanding will
result. These omissions and/or optional uses shall be specified in a facility
1. Aircraft Identification 2. Revision number (FDIO
locations only). 2A. Strip request originator. (At FDIO locations
this indicates the sector or position that requested a strip be printed.)
3. Number of aircraft if more than one, TCAS/heavy aircraft indicator
if appropriate, type of aircraft, and aircraft equipment suffix. The TCAS
indicator is "T/," the heavy aircraft indicator is "H/," and for aircraft that
are both TCAS and heavy the indicator is "B/," and for B757, the indicator is
"F/", B757 with TCAS, the indicator is "L/". 4. Computer
identification number if required. 5. Secondary radar (beacon) code
assigned. 6. (FDIO Locations.) The previous fix will be printed.
(NON-FDIO Locations.) Use of the inbound airway. This function
is restricted to facilities where flight data is received via interphone when
agreed upon by the center and terminal facilities. 7. Coordination
fix. 8. Estimated time of arrival at the coordination fix or
destination airport. 8A. OPTIONAL USE, when voice recorders are
operational; REQUIRED USE, when the voice recorders are
not operating and strips are being used at the facility. This space is used to
record reported RA events when the voice recorders are not operational and
strips are being used at the facility. The letters RA followed by a climb or
descent arrow (if the climb or descent action is reported) and the time (hhmm)
the event is reported. 9. Altitude (in hundreds of feet) and remarks.
NOTE - Altitude information may be written in thousands of feet provided
the procedure is authorized by the facility manager, and is defined in a
facility directive, i.e., FL230 as 23, 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8.
9A. Minimum fuel, destination airport/point out/radar vector/speed
adjustment information. Air Traffic managers may authorize in a facility
directive the omission of any of these items, except minimum fuel, if no
misunderstanding will result. NOTE: Authorized omissions and optional
use of spaces shall be specified in the facility directive concerning strip
marking procedures. 10-18. Enter data as specified by a facility
directive. Radar facility personnel need not enter data in these spaces except
when non-radar procedures are used or when radio recording equipment is
inoperative. b. Departures:
Information recorded on the flight progress strips (FAA Forms 7230-7.1,
7230-7.2, and 7230-8) shall be entered in the correspondingly numbered spaces.
Facility managers can authorize omissions and/or optional use of spaces 2A, 9A,
and 10-18, if no misunderstanding will result. These omissions and/or optional
uses shall be specified in a facility directive. 1. Aircraft
identification 2. Revision number (FDIO locations only).
2A. Strip request originator. (At FDIO locations this indicates the sector or
position that requested a strip be printed.) 3. Number of aircraft if
more than one, TCAS/heavy aircraft indicator if appropriate, type of aircraft,
and aircraft equipment suffix. The TCAS indicator is "T/," the heavy aircraft
indicator is "H/," and for aircraft that are both TCAS and heavy the indicator
is "B/," and for B757, the indicator is "F/", B757 with TCAS, the indicator is
"L/". 4. Computer identification number if required. 5.
Secondary radar (beacon) code assigned. 6. Proposed departure time.
7. Requested altitude NOTE - Altitude information may be
written in thousands of feet provided the procedure is authorized by the
facility manager, and is defined in a facility directive, i.e., FL230 as 23,
5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8. 8. Departure airport.
8A. OPTIONAL USE, when voice recorders are operational;
REQUIRED USE, when the voice recorders are not operating and strips are being
used at the facility. This space is used to record reported RA events when the
voice recorders are not operational and strips are being used at the facility.
The letters RA followed by a climb or descent arrow (if the climb or descent
action is reported) and the time (hhmm) the event is reported. 9.
Computer-generated: Route, destination, and remarks. Manually enter altitude /
altitude restrictions in the order flown, if appropriate, and remarks.
9. Hand-prepared: Clearance limit, route, altitude / altitude
restrictions in the order flown, if appropriate, and remarks. NOTE -
Altitude information may be written in thousands of feet provided the
procedure is authorized by the facility manager, and is defined in a facility
directive, i.e., FL230 as 23, 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800 as 2.8. 9A.
Point out / radar vector / speed adjustment information. 10-18. Enter
data as specified by a facility directive. Items, such as departure time, runway
used for takeoff, check marks to indicate information forwarded or relayed, may
be entered in these spaces. c. Overflights:
Information recorded on the flight progress strips (FAA Forms 7230-7.1,
7230-7.2, and 7230-8) shall be entered in the correspondingly numbered spaces.
Facility managers can authorize omissions and/or optional use of spaces 2A, 9A,
and 10-18, if no misunderstanding will result. These omissions and/or optional
uses shall be specified in a facility directive. 1. Aircraft
Identification 2. Revision number (FDIO locations only).
2A. Strip request originator. (At FDIO locations this indicates the sector or
position that requested a strip be printed.) 3. Number of aircraft if
more than one, TCAS / heavy aircraft indicator if appropriate, type of aircraft,
and aircraft equipment suffix. The TCAS indicator is "T/," the heavy aircraft
indicator is "H/," and for aircraft that are both TCAS and heavy the indicator
is "B/," and for B757, the indicator is "F/", B757 with TCAS, the indicator is
"L/". 4. Computer identification number if required. 5.
Secondary radar (beacon) code assigned. 6. Coordination fix.
7. Overflight coordination indicator (FDIO locations only). NOTE:
The overflight coordination indicator identifies the facility to which
flight data has been forwarded. 8. Estimated time of arrival at the
coordination fix. 8A. OPTIONAL USE, when voice recorders are
operational; REQUIRED USE, when the voice recorders are
not operating and strips are being used at the facility.) This space is used to
record reported RA events when the voice recorders are not operational and
strips are being used at the facility. The letters RA followed by a climb or
descent arrow (if the climb or descent action is reported) and the time (hhmm)
the event is reported. 9. Altitude and route of flight through the
terminal area. NOTE - Altitude information may be written in thousands
of feet provided the procedure is authorized by the facility manager, and is
defined in a facility directive, i.e., FL230 as 23, 5,000 feet as 5, and 2,800
as 2.8. 9A. Point out / radar vector / speed adjustment information.
10-18. Enter data as specified by a facility directive. NOTE -
National standardization of items (10 through 18) is not practical because
of regional and local variations in operating methods; e.g., single fix,
multiple fix, radar, tower en route control, etc. d. Air traffic
managers at automated terminal radar facilities may waive the requirement to use
flight progress strips provided: 1. Backup systems such as multiple
radar sites/systems or single site radars with CENRAP are utilized.
2. Local procedures are documented in a facility directive. These procedures
should include but not be limited to: (a) Departure areas
and/or procedures. (b) Arrival procedures. (c)
Overflight handling procedures. (d) Transition from radar to
nonradar. (e) Transition from arts to nonarts.
(f) Transition from ASR to CENRAP 3. No misunderstanding will occur
as a result of no strip usage. 4. Unused flight progress strips,
facility developed forms and/or blank notepads shall be provided for controller
use. 5. Facilities shall revert to flight progress strip usage if
backup systems referred to in subparagraph a are not available. e. Air
traffic managers at FDIO locations may authorize reduce lateral spacing between
fields so as to print all FDIO data to the left of the strip perforation when
using FAA form 7230-7.2. all items will retain the same relationship to each
other as they do when the full length strip (FAA form 7230-7.1) is used.
2-3-4 Aircraft Identity
Indicate aircraft identity by one of the following using combinations
not to exceed seven alphanumeric characters: a. Civil aircraft,
including air carrier - Aircraft letter-digit registration number including the
letter "T" prefix for air taxi aircraft, the letter "L" for lifeguard aircraft,
3-letter aircraft company designator specified in the Contractions Handbook
followed by the trip or flight number. Use the operating air carrier's company
name in identifying equipment interchange flights. EXAMPLE - "N12345."
"TN5552Q." "AAL192." "LN751B." NOTE - The letter "L" is not
to be used for air carrier / air taxi lifeguard aircraft. b. Military
Aircraft - 1. Prefixes indicating branch of service and/or type of
mission followed by the last 5 digits of the serial number (the last 4 digits
for CAF/CAM/CTG). (See Table 2-3-1 and Table 2-3-2). 2. Pronounceable
words of 3, 4, 5, and 6 letters followed by a 4-, 3-, 2-, or 1-digit number.
EXAMPLE - "SAMP Three One Six." 3. Assigned double-letter
2-digit flight number. 4. Navy or Marine fleet and training command
aircraft, one of the following: (a) The service prefix and 2
letters (use phonetic alphabet equivalent) followed by 2 or 3 digits.
Table 2-3-1 - Branch of Service Prefix Prefix Branch A
U.S. Air Force C U.S. Coast Guard G Air or Army National
Guard R U.S. Army VM U.S. Marine Corps VV U.S.
Navy CAF Canadian Armed Force CAM Canadian Armed Force
(Transport Command) CTG Canadian Coast Guard
Table 2-3-2 - Military Mission Prefix Prefix Mission E
Medical Air Evacuation F Flight Check L LOGAIR (USAF
Contract) {New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998} RCH AMC (Air
Mobility Command) S Special Air Mission
(b) The service prefix and a digit and a letter (use phonetic
alphabet equivalent) followed by 2 or 3 digits. c. Special-use -
Approved special-use identifiers.
2-3-5 Aircraft Type
Use the approved codes listed in Appendices A thru C to indicate
aircraft type.
2-3-6 USAF/USN Undergraduate Pilots
To identify aircraft piloted by solo USAF/USN undergraduate student
pilots (who may occasionally request revised clearances because they normally
are restricted to flight in VFR conditions), the aircraft identification in the
flight plan shall include the letter "Z" as a suffix. Do not use this suffix,
however, in ground-to-air communication. NOTE - USAF solo students who
have passed an instrument certification check may penetrate cloud layers in
climb or descent only. Requests for revised clearances to avoid clouds in level
flight can still be expected. This does not change the requirement to use the
letter "Z" as a suffix to the aircraft identification. REFERENCE - FAAO
7110.65, Aircraft Identification, paragraph 2-4-20; {New-98-3 Revised
February 26, 1998} FAAO 7610.4, Chapter 12, Section 10, USAF
Undergraduate Flying Training (UFT)/Pilot Instructor Training (PIT).
2-3-7 Aircraft Equipment Suffix
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998} a. Indicate, for both VFR and
IFR operations, the aircraft's radar transponder, DME, or navigation capability
by adding the appropriate symbol, preceded by a slant. (See Table 2-3-3).
b. When forwarding this information, state the aircraft type followed
by the word "slant" and the appropriate phonetic letter equivalent of the
suffix. EXAMPLE - "Cessna Three-Ten slant tango." "A-Ten slant
november." "F-Sixteen slant papa." "Seven-Sixty-Seven slant golf."
2-3-8 Clearance Status
Use an appropriate clearance symbol followed by a dash (-) and other
pertinent information to clearly show the clearance status of an aircraft.
To indicate delay status use: a. The symbol "H" at the clearance limit
when holding instructions have been included in the aircraft's original
clearance. Show detailed holding information following the dash when holding
differs from the established pattern for the fix; i.e., turns, leg lengths, etc.
b. The symbols "F" or "O" to indicate the clearance limit when a delay
is not anticipated.
2-3-9 Control Symbology
Use authorized control and clearance symbols or abbreviations for
recording clearances, reports, and instructions. Control status of aircraft must
always be current. You may use: a. Plain language markings when
it will aid in understanding information. b. Locally approved
identifiers. Use these only within your facility and not on teletypewriter or
interphone circuits. c. Plain sheets of paper or locally procured
forms to record information when flight progress strips are not used. (See TBL
2-3-4 and TBL 2-3-5). d. Control Information Symbols (See Figure 2-3-6
and Figure 2-3-7) REFERENCE - FAAO 7110.65, Exceptions, paragraph 4-5-3.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
NOTE - 1 - The /F and /E
suffixes will only be used by aircraft operating to and from airports within the
United States and U.S. territories unless authorized by the controlling
authority. 2 - Aircraft that will file /R
(RNAV) are those equipped with: OMEGA, very low frequency (VLF), inertial
systems (INS) and/or any of these systems combined with VOR, DME, and/or ILS/MLS
systems. 3 - Aircraft that will file /G (GPS)
are those equipped with: GPS/GNSS approach capable.
4 - Aircraft that will file /F (FMS) are
those equipped with: a single FMS that is capable of vertical navigation (VNAV).
5 - Aircraft that will file /E (FMS) are
those equipped with: dual inertial reference units (IRU's), dual FMS's, and an
electronic map. All /E aircraft are authorized to fly all FMS procedures
including those designated "for use by /F aircraft only."
6 - The /W suffix will identify aircraft that
are approved for reduced vertical separation minima (RVSM). In addition to
enhanced altimetry systems, all aircraft will have area navigation and an
operating transponder with altitude (Mode C).
7 - All aircraft operating with these equipment suffixes will have operating
transponders with altitude (Mode C) capability. If an aircraft is unable to
operate with a transponder and altitude encoding, it will revert to the
appropriate code listed above under Area Navigation.
Table 2-3-4 - Clearance Abbreviations Abbr. Meaning A
Cleared to airport (point of intended landing) B Center clearance
delivered C ATC clears (when clearance relayed through non-ATC
facility) CAF Cleared as filed D Cleared to depart from the
fix F Cleared to the fix H Cleared to hold and instructions
issued L Cleared to land N Clearance not delivered
O Cleared to the outer marker PD Cleared to climb/descend at
pilot's discretion Q Cleared to fly specified sectors of a NAVAID
defined in terms of courses, bearings, radials or quadrants within a designated
radius. T Cleared through (for landing and takeoff through
intermediate point) V Cleared over the fix X Cleared to
cross (airway, route, radial) at (point) Z Tower jurisdiction
Table 2-3-5 - Miscellaneous Abbreviations Abbr. Meaning
BC Back course approach CT Contact approach FA
Final approach FMS Flight Management System Approach GPS GPS
approach I Initial approach ILS ILS approach MA
Missed approach MLS MLS approach NDB Nondirectional radio
beacon approach OTP VFR conditions on top PA Precision
approach PT Procedure turn RA Resolution Advisory (Pilot
reported TCAS event.) RH Runway Heading RP Report
immediately upon passing (fix/altitude) RX Report crossing
SA Surveillance approach SI Straight-in approach
TA TACAN approach TL Turn left TR Turn right
VA Visual approach VR VOR approach
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