Dauntless Aviation Latest news http://www.dauntless-soft.com Latest news from Dauntless Aviation en 97% on the Private Pilot Written. Awesome! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the great software. I passed my FAA written this week with a 97% and felt well-prepared. The way the questions are explained throughout the test prep software is invaluable. I will definitely use this software when I go after my Instrument/Commercial or IA for my A&P. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>CP</strong><BR>Lancaster, CA </div> </span> September 19, 2024 2:42PM EST Wow great work on the FAA Private -- from Spain! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I tried out this software for the PPL and I will continue to use Dauntless to prepare any FAA exam in the future. It has proven to be extremely accurate and updated-did not encounter a single question that wasn't in the software. Apart from the fact I scored 97% I think I can say it helped me to fully grasp what the FAA is looking for behind each of their questions. Anything positive you have read about the quality of the explanations and the way the syllabus is set up is absolutely true. Keep the great work up guys! </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>CV</strong><BR>FAA Private Pilot, Spain </div> </span> September 18, 2024 7:34AM EST GroundSchool Mechanic Success! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> Have recently purchased the audio study system for [A&P] powerplant and have enjoyed it greatly. I wish I had purchased the general and airframe as well before I took the tests .... The fact that the program is very versatile where I can adapt it to my own study system is a tremendous benefit that no one should do without, by the way I have other programs but this program is the meat and potatoes by far. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>JJN</strong> <BR> Northwest GA </div> </span> September 15, 2024 11:06AM EST A new private pilot! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I already took my written test in July. Passed it with a 97%, missing only two questions thanks to your software. </BLOCKQUOTE> <SPAN CLASS="BQfooter"><DIV> <STRONG>SG</STRONG>, Private Pilot<BR> Battle Ground, WA</DIV> </SPAN> SG here used our software for both his written test and to prepare for his checkride and passed both with flying colors. You can too! September 15, 2024 7:54AM EST 97% on the IFR written! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I really appreciate your efforts to bring updated questions, current legends and figures to your curriculum. It made my score of 97% on the IRA knowledge test possible. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>RN</strong><BR>California </div> </span> September 14, 2024 3:33AM EST ATP test success! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> This is second time I've taken the ATP exam as my 2 years had expired. I had 2 days to refresh the material and I would say that the program is kept very relevant and up to date. As an instructor I will continue to recommend Dauntless_Aviation software. I believe this is the best setup to ensure you actually LEARN relevant material throughout your study, as opposed to simply learning to pass the test. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>JH</strong><BR>Longmont, CO </div> </span> September 12, 2024 8:07PM EST 92 on the FII written! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> 92% on my FII....another excellent test result. Two questions I knew so must have read the answers too quickly, one I talked myself out of the correct answer. ... Regardless, it was a solid pass and I'm very happy. Thanks again! </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>TB</strong><BR>Albuquerque, NM </div> </span> September 12, 2024 6:02AM EST Aced the Private Test! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I just took the exam this morning and aced it (with the help of your prep course). </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>MK</strong><BR>Portland, OR </div> </span> September 12, 2024 5:45AM EST AGI ground instructor test success! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <BLOCKQUOTE> I used your test prep software to prepare for the Advanced Ground Instructor. I passed easily, thank you. I'm studying now for the glider instructor knowledge exam. </BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>PN</strong><BR>Arlington, TX </div> </span> September 11, 2024 10:04AM EST GroundSchool takes USAFA Cadets in the wild blue! http://www.dauntless-soft.com <CENTER> <IMG SRC="/news/news/articleimages/usafa.jpg" ALT="US Air Force Academy"></CENTER> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>I passed the first time with a [great score]! The software was a great tool in studying for the exam with helpful diagrams included in the detailed answer explanations. Not only did the software help me pass the written test, but it helped me actually learn the material as well. Very easy to use and has helped me pass all four of the FAA written exams I have taken. After studying with this software, little study is left to do before the practical tests as well.</BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="BQfooter"> <div> <strong>AM</strong> <BR> US Air Force Academy<BR> Colorado Springs, CO </div> </span> September 10, 2024 6:34AM EST